Nacho Cheese Doritos & Welcome to!

Discuss - 5 Comments

  1. Lindsey says:

    Woot! Glad you got all the problems fixed and you’re up and running.

    Great post to start with here! (…but cleavage, really?? Lol).

  2. I’ve never seen so many pictures of one bag of Doritos! “Switch to normal view.” Nor-mal view…nor-mal VIEW…NOR-MAL VIEW!!!

    They’re the best. My favorite way to eat them is with fresh cottage cheese. I know people think cottage cheese goes with fruit, but those people are just deranged.

  3. I love Nacho Cheese… but when I was a kid, I used to eat Doritos on a bologna and mayo sandwich because my BFF’s older brother did it. I thought he was sooo cool. That was probably the 8th grade. Haven’t had bologna since. Is that junk food?

    I want you to order junk food from other countries… like Wasabi Doritos. Maybe?

    • junkfoodguy says:

      Bologna is like a flat hot dog 🙂 I feel like fried bologna could be junk food – we’ll see

  4. Lindemann says:

    I hope this blog will continue to cover the bewildering array of new Doritos flavors that tempt us to open our pocketbooks at the supermarket ever day.
