Edy’s Limited Edition Slow Churned Rich & Creamy Girl Scout Samoas Cookie Ice Cream: Battle for Supremacy Pt. 1

Junk Food Nation, it’s post-Super Bowl, and that means one thing: soon it will be Girl Scout Cookie buying season.  Did you hear me? GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SEASON!  That’s right, jerks. It’s start-wearing-sweatpants-cause-you’re-gonna-need-them season. It’s looks-like-I-won’t-be-going-outside-anytime-soon-so-might-as-well-Netflix-all-the-seasons-of-Breaking-Bad season. It’s turn-off-that-light-and-let-me-wallow-in-my-Thin-Mint-misery season.

I was informed by fellow food blogger The Crazy Food Dude that there were, in fact, Girl Scout Cookie ice creams by Edy’s!  WHA WHA WHAAA???? How did I not KNOW this.  In fact, these flavors, which include Samoas, Thin Mints, and Tagalongs, came out in 2010 – almost two years ago! Clearly my junk food diligence has been lagging.  There’s this review, and this review out there already, as well as this video review of the flavor I’m locked on today: Edy’s Limited Edition Slow Churned Rich & Creamy Girl Scout Samoas Cookie Ice Cream.

Whenever I’ve posted about Girl Scout cookies, the debate I hear is always Samoas vs. Thin Mints vs. Tagalongs. People are insistent.

“I really like Thin Mints.”
“Ok, calm down, psycho.  Geez…”

Anyways, I finally FOUND two of the flavors at my local Fresh & Greens.  Here’s Part 1 of the Battle for Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream Supremacy.

The Money Shot

The words LIMITED EDITION get me every time.  But LIMITED EDITION and Girl Scout Cookie??? Forget it.  No one can resist.  Bow down to your ice cream overlords.

Love the cookie photo on the lid

Edy’s Slow Churned Ice Cream has 50% less fat and 30% less calories…which is good, but it still means if I each this entire 1.5 qt container, I will indeed be a fat ass.

So purple.

Edy’s let me just say BRILLIANT MOVE pairing with the Girl Scouts in this venture.  You get to make a seemingly delicious ice cream while using another company’s brand strength to reinforce your own.  Bravo.

Caramel ice cream, not caramel ribbon. Boo.

The ice cream itself was self explanatory – cookie pieces in vanilla and caramel ice cream.  I wasn’t sure if Edy’s was going to make some kind of burnt coconut ice cream or something….but this was pretty simple, and the flavor should be predictable.

Wait...you didn't bring Tagalongs back too??? BS!

"Light" ice cream

Isn’t “Light” ice cream sort of a misnomer? It is a giant vat of ice cream with Girl Scout cookies mixed in, after all.

Wait...skim milk?

Is the use of Skim Milk the only lightening factor here?  Is that it?  Because there sure seems to be a lot of that other bad shit in here (cough high fructose corn syrup).


WOW.  That looks luscious, doesn’t it?  Of course, since the ice cream was so light and airy, the whole carton was kind of squishy.  I posted about the science of ice cream melting waaaaay back during the beginning of my blog here.

Big ol chunk o cookie

Immediately upon digging my spoon in I got a big ass chunk of Samoas cookie.  The question in my head was “am I going to break my teeth on it?”

Edy's Limited Edition Slow Churned Rich & Creamy Girl Scout Samoas Cookie Ice Cream

Place spoon in mouth, and eat.  Not bad, Edy’s!  The ice cream: sweet vanilla, definite caramel flavor in the ice cream itself.  Very creamy, but you could tell it was low fat – didn’t have that satisfying buttery feel to it. The Samoas cookie pieces: not frozen, didn’t break my teeth, nicely crunchy, and full of chocolate and coconut flavor.  Overall? Better than average. I really enjoy Samoas, but the ice cream actually downed out the flavor a little bit. Still it was a tasty treat.

One has to wonder though – would this have been better had they tried to deconstruct and replicate the flavor of Samoas instead of just mixing cookie pieces in? That is to say, have a chocolate ice cream with caramel swirl and burnt coconut cookie balls spread throughout?  Hmmmm…..

Thoughts? What are YOUR picks? Tell me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 12 Comments

  1. I have never, ever seen the Tagalongs version and wasn’t aware that it existed. That upsets me because Tagalongs are my favorite of all the Girl Scouts cookies. I must find this now…

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @IE: Dude, looking at their website, they might’ve discontinued the Tagalong version and kept producing the other two :\ not cool.

  2. If that is true, that is very much not cool.

  3. Adam says:

    You’re bummed about HFCS in ice cream? C’mon dude, you’re the junk food guy! 13 grams of sugar don’t seem like a lot at all. That mix has got more gums in there than a candy store.

  4. i’m loving these girl scout ice cream reviews!

  5. Rodzilla says:

    Damnit, I got confused and posted a comment on the wrong review.

    So long as I don’t go into a “frozen dairy dessert” expecting ice cream, I’m a fan.

    I don’t really care about the HFCS, but the hydrogenated oils bother me.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Rod: I get confused all the time 🙂 And yes, quite frankly, ever since YOU pointed them out to me – hydrogenated oils are no good

  6. Adam says:


    Just sayin’. I mean, you did cover an oreo in a Tollhouse cookie last weekend, after all haha

  7. Amazing! I really hope they get Edy’s out here on the West coast, because I am buying it!
