New Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ritz Crackerfuls and Extreme Peanut Butter Crackerfuls and The Lessons I Learned in Vegas Pt. 2
Junk Food Nation, today I’ll conclude what I learned in Vegas:
1. Yes, always take the over on the “Drink a Beer in Seven Second or Less” line. But if you get nine seconds – double down.
2. If you can’t chug a beer in 7 seconds at Todd English’s P.U.B., you will get mocked by the cute bartender named Chloe.
3. Number 2 is especially true if you fail twice.
4. If you can’t figure out who to give all your leftover beer to…the valets at any hotel will gladly take them off your hands! Hurray for Drunk Driving. On second thought, nix this one.
5. I can make anyone slap another person if I pay them $3.
6. The Monte Carlo is not across the street from Aria. It doesn’t matter which side you exit.
7. Despite what your friends think, West Virginia is not the best basketball team in the country.
8. If a hot Blackjack dealer offers to help you, take it. Once she vocalizes her intention to stop helping you – yank stakes and run.
9. You are not. Not. NOT. Allowed to chew tobacco on an airplane. Sort of.
10. Eating steak and eggs two out of three days for breakfast will make you lightheaded.
11. Ordering the fresh fruit and yogurt plate at the steak and egg joint will elicit concerned stares.
12. What some call the “indoor tropical storm” in the Planet Hollywood mall, I call the fire sprinklers going off unintentionally.
13. TruTV does not exist and cannot be found on any channel. Ever.
Today’s junk food: New Chocolate Peanut Butter Ritz Crackerfuls & Extreme Peanut Butter Crackerfuls!
Ritz Crackerfuls came on the scene sometime this decade, though I have no info when that happened. Originally mostly savory-based, Ritz has recently expanded to a more sweet/savory line, as exhibited by today’s selection. Found these in my local Giant Food supermarket. Looks like have a new logo too – highlighting the shape of the Crackerful while returning to the standard Ritz-Red box. Clear contrast from the other Crackerfuls boxes (check out one I reviewed early on in my blogging career). Well, let’s get to it!

New Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ritz Crackerfuls: looks like two separate fillings that are unmixed...skeptical

New Extreme Peanut Butter Crackerfuls: Well, 75% more filling will do it. Jeez. Hey wait, only 5 in this box??? Bullshit!

New Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ritz Crackerfuls and Extreme Peanut Butter Crackerfuls: a side by side comparison of nutrition or lack thereof. Apparently extreme = 40 more calories

New Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ritz Crackerfuls and Extreme Peanut Butter Crackerfuls: lots of oil, hyrdrogenated and otherwise.

New Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ritz Crackerfuls and Extreme Peanut Butter Crackerfuls: individual packs, side by side

New Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ritz Crackerfuls: from the side you can already see the separation of PB and chocolate. Let's pry this baby open...

New Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ritz Crackerfuls: GAAAH! INNARDS! Looks like the chocolate and PB are not evenly spread. Fail.
The taste of these New Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ritz Crackerfuls: pretty good, but not overwhelmingly great. The crackers were long and crispy and buttery, like a Ritz. I think it was a little more grained, and the cracker had a tad bit sweeter taste. The chocolate and peanut butter were soft and creamy, but definitely separate – this did not taste like a Reese’s or like Nutella. No this was salty peanut butter and sweet chocolate. The combo was kind of decadent, and tasty, but in the end, the combo didn’t take me anywhere I hadn’t been yet.

New Extreme Peanut Butter Crackerfuls: Sure peanut butter was coming out of all pores, but does this LOOK like 75% more? I mean, I dunno - is it?

New Extreme Peanut Butter Crackerfuls: This is certainly more filling than the Chocolate and Peanut Butter variety, but it looks like a big tongue of peanut butter and that's it.
New Extreme Peanut Butter Crackerfuls I liked less than the Peanut Butter and Chocolate variety. These were really dry, as the peanut butter salty taste had no sweet to complement it. Very peanut buttery, sure, and definitely the stick-to-the-roof-of-your-mouth experience… but no texture to the peanut butter. They used smooth, not crunchy. Furthermore, aside for the Ritz cracker, I couldn’t tell much difference between these and the cellophane wrapped Saltines with peanut butter I’ve had in the past. This was just….ok.
So both in the new line of Crackerfuls disappointed for me. They weren’t bad, but they didn’t wow me either. I’ll be looking for more innovation in whatever your next batch is, Ritz.
Whatdya think? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.
Sincerely, Junk Food Guy
Discuss - 9 Comments
“I can make anyone slap another person if I pay them $3.”
What’s the sample size on that one?
“TruTV does not exist and cannot be found on any channel. Ever.”
I get that thing in HD in beautiful Silver Spring, MD. Maybe it’s a Vegas thing.
Those Crackerfuls look gross, BTW.
@Lindemann: Oh sure, HERE IN DC it was clear. Tell that to the jokers in Vegas.
* Actually, even clorie-wise, they really aren’t all that different. If the PB+Coco were the same size as the XTREME!! Ritz, then they would have 175 calories.
* I apologize in advance for being one of ‘those’ people.
@Kim: lol, no worries! I love the in-depth analysis
Ha – ordering the fruit and yogurt plate *anywhere* will get you funny looks – “Why the hell are you even eating out?”
That’s funny that Ritz has returned to their hearty red packaging for these snacks. Oh, the “we’re an upscale snack food” design didn’t work for your crappy dry cracker? Go figure?
Still, I steal a few every time I’m on the Grey’s Anatomy set – love fake cheese!
@Teresapalooza: Ritz and spray cheese is always high class
I love, love , the peanut butter with chocolate ones. They are my all time favorite.
@Pam: Indeed – pretty tasty. Better with something to help wet your whistle!
Disappointed that there was very little chocolate in mine. Will not buy again.