Snacklemouth Granola Nut Clusters: Salty Chocolate and Bacon Maple & “Journey’s Melting the Earth!”
Junk Food Nation, today I wanted to pay homage to a entertainment media company called Black20 that my buddy the Geesh turned me onto. In the same style like Collegehumor and Funny or Die, Black20 made parody and original videos that cracked me up. You can now see many of their actors on TV, in commercials, etc. The following are just two of my favorite videos:
Hell, I’d pay money to see this movie. “The stage is heating up quickly”?? How can this NOT be a great movie??
“I can beat this guy!” Seriously, the overdone dramatics are perfectly portrayed. Black20, I give you the slow clap.
Yesterday, Junk Food Nation, I reviewed three of Snacklemouth’s original flavors: Almond Berry, Peanut Cranberry, and Almond Pecan Maple. Today I tackle (or snackle) their two newest flavors: Salty Chocolate and Bacon Maple!
Yeah – I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think that the boxes for these Snacklemouth Granola Nut Clusters were creepy at all. In fact they might be even creepier than yesterday’s. The Bacon Maple one especially. That one will haunt my dreams for years to come.
These flavors aren’t even available on Snacklemouth’s website, but I’m sure if you were nice and offered to pay Snacklemouth, they’d sell it to you. I feel so special to be able to try it! 🙂 But enough chit chat. Let’s get to it, leading off with the Salty Chocolate!

Snacklemouth Granola Nut Clusters: Salty Chocolate: I must admit, the eys slightly crying chocolate sauce is skeeving me out. The cashew cheeks are funny though.

Snacklemouth Granola Nut Clusters: Salty Chocolate: I half expected there to be some salt shakers here. Missed opportunity, Snacklemouth!

Snacklemouth Granola Nut Clusters: Salty Chocolate: Ah, the first real sugar I've seen in these snacks (contained in the chocolate)
Snacklemouth Salty Chocolate Granola Nut Clusters are really really good, with one caveat. First, The granola is again reliable. Slightly sweet with a nice nutty flavor. The cashews and almonds in his mix are crunchy and flavorful. The sea salt added to the granola REALLY brings out a nice sweet savoriness to the cluster. Add in some really tasty chocolate chips, and you get a really savory-sweet chocolatey salty hearty granola bite (just wanted to see how many adjectives I could fit).
The one caveat? NEEDS MORE CHOCOLATE! The bites without chocolate outnumbered the bites with, and while those were tasty as well, the bites WITH chocolate were the homeruns. I imagine I’m just being spoiled, however, wanting tons of chocolate chips with each bite, like you see with store-bought corn syrup laden granola bars. The reduced number of chips with this one probably keeps the calorie count down. I’m just being a brat, Snacklemouth – this was a great combo!
And now, Snacklemouth’s brand NEWEST flavor, Bacon Maple! You guys know I love pork, and I love maple, so this oughta be god:

Snacklemouth Granola Nut Clusters: Bacon Maple: Waffle eyes, porky nose, leaves as mustache along with bacon strips - love it!

Snacklemouth Granola Nut Clusters: Bacon Maple: COOKED BACON! That's the first time I've ever seen THAT in granola.

Snacklemouth Granola Nut Clusters: Bacon Maple: added pork but still the same calorie count as the others...too good.
As soon as you opened these Snacklemouth Bacon Maple Granola Nut Clusters, you can immediately smell the maple flavor and the hint of some smoky porkiness. Unlike the other flavors, where there were big chocolate chips or dried berries to focus on, the Bacon Maple variety appeared to have little bits of smoked bacon on EVERY cluster.
The taste was still sweet, with maple flavor – my favorite. Crunchy and hearty like the other granolas, this flavor had ONLY almonds – no other types of nuts. Each almond was covered in the agave syrup and maple flavor, coated with bits of granola and bacon. Each bite tasted slightly smoky and a little salty too. On the occasions when my teeth sank into a large pocket of smoked bacon, the pork flavor immediately emerged almost like I was eating jerky, only to quickly mix with the sweetness of the granola and nuts. A REALLY interesting combo. Slightly sweet and meaty at the same time. Blew my mind.
Both new flavors were very successful in my book. I’d chow on these anytime. Thanks again to Snacklemouth for making this taste test experience possible!
Thoughts? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.
Sincerely, Junk Food Guy
Discuss - 9 Comments
Did you just give Black20 the clap slowly? Weirdo.
Great reviews yesterday and today. Seems to me this is a product worth seeking out. My fiancee just showed me how to make granola and she has two basic rules: it can’t be too sweet, and it has to be super crunchy. On that front, it sounds like the almond blueberry is the one to go with. I think I’m with you though on maple flavor being amazing, and so I’ll be on the lookout for the almond maple pecan.
@You made granola? DO TELL!
Ok, I will definitely look at those faces to get bacon maple granola. No problem. And if it works to ward off evil spirits, so much the better.
@Stanley: win win
Oh God, I just noticed the eyes! Aaaaah, the eyes!!!
These sound amazing – have to go get them!
@Teresapalooza: LOL, the eyes
Can’t sleep, Snacklemouth’ll eat me…Can’t sleep, Snacklemouth’ll eat me…
Seriously, I couldn’t have those boxes in my house.
@Dana: line the windows with the boxes – better than a burglar alarm system
Geoffrey F. Albert: “But what do we mean by the American Revolution Do we mean the American War The revolution was effected before the war commenced. The revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people.”