Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips & Pulling Teeth

Junk Food Nation, recently I had two wisdom teeth taken out.  Yes, I’m a grown adult, but for some reason, I never had these teeth removed.  They were alllll the way back in the roof of my mouth, and had already grown out.  Every time I would get a teeth cleaning, my dentist would say, “You should really get those yanked.  Your teeth are fine but those back two teeth are stained and full of cavities.  I’m not going to fill them because you should just get those teeth pulled.” Um, thanks, Doc.

I was scared.  I had had two bottom wisdom teeth taken out when I was in high school, and it was a horrifying experience.  Maybe I am exaggerating, I felt like my home town dentist didn’t wait for the Novocaine to set and just went in and started yanking!!!!  THE HORROR.

“Ow, that hurts.”

“No, it’s just pressure.” *YANK YANK YANK*



Of course, I’m probably imagining things. But naturally, I was nervous this time around.  Here I am, a grown man, and when they say, “Ok, Eric, we’re ready for you” and open the door to the back hallway of the office, I get HUGE fight-or-flight syndrome and want to run away screaming.

But in I went, and they yanked those puppies out.  I ate gingerly for a few days – and you never noticed, did you, Junk Food Nation?  No, not even two gaps in my mouth could stop me from enjoying processed junk food.  This is what I do for you.

Do you have any teeth-pulling horror stories? Share them below.

Today’s junk food: Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips!

Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips: The Money Shot

Ohhhh yes, Junk Food Nation.  It’s rare that I jump for joy in the grocery store…wait, no it’s not, I do it all the time at the grocery, who am I kidding?  Well, I was walking down the South Asian aisle of my Asian grocery, and I found these: Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips.  And if you think I didn’t jump and clack my heels when I saw this bag of Spanish Tomato Tango chips….

Why did I get so excited?  Foreign versions of US chips.  I love it, conceptually.  If you have Lay’s Chips that taste like Vegemite – bring it on!

Sharing is caring

Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips come in a share pack!  Not sure what this means, because this is a regular snack size bag of chips.  If you think I’m sharing these approx. thirty chips with you, you have another thing coming – I will stab you with a spoon.

Spanish Tomato Tango!  What the hell does THAT mean?

Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips are made by Frito-Lay India. I’m not really sure what flavor i expect these to be.  On the front of the bag, you see a tomato, a flask of oil, and it looked like some cinnamon sticks and cloves.  Also, although you can’t see it, the flask of oil had an asterisk next to it.  I’m……not sure why. I couldn’t find the asterisk explanation anywhere.  Awesome.  Not sure exactly what the Spanish Tango is – Youtube doesn’t help clarify the issue.

Wait, what? Dil?

Frito-Lay India had/has a promotion called “Be Dillogical.” Dil, in Hindi, means Heart.  They explain the promotion to mean: “What Lay’s, with its melt in the mouth simple taste, urges you to do is stop listening to your head so much and tune into your heart instead. In other words – ‘Be a little dillogical.”

Honestly, that’s a pretty cool promo concept.  It combos both English and Hindi and has a reasonable albeit contrived meaning that can be used to sell bags of fried chips.  I like it.  Good work, Frito-Lay India!

Ha.  WHAT!?

Whoa.  I didn’t expect to see a hunk of man meat on the back of this bag of Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips. And I find the suggestion hilarious: Feeling flirty? Take some time out for romance…and stuff these fried potatoes into the mouth of your spouse.  Mmmmmm sexy.

But…how many grams are in this bag of chips?

Yeah…Don’t know what to do with this. How many calories are in this bag? This was a 61 gram bag….so…331 calories?  Can I get someone to check my math on that?

“Proprietary Food”

Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips contain edible vegetable oil.  Well, thank goodness for that/  Also, the spice profile (Capsicum, Garlic, Pepper, Ginger, Clove, Cinnamon) is REALLY interesting.  I can’t wait to taste these.

Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips are actually Ruffles

Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips look exactly like Ruffles and smelled…well, sort of like Ketchup. But not like Lay’s Spicy Ketchup chips…these definitely had other spices in the air.  I smelled cinnamon and clove, and it sort of came off like a curry spice.  Maybe like a Tikka Masala…

Peppered with red

I crunched several of these Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips, and they were pretty good.  They were bursting with flavor.  My first impression of these WAS that they tasted like ketchup chips – the tomato flavor used was REALLY sweet and tangy – honestly it was almost like these chips were coated in Chef Boyardee-like tomato sauce.  But then as I chewed, more flavors came out – clove flavor lead the way. It emerged from the tomato base and stayed strong as the major flavor in the aftertaste.

Encrusted with spice

Overall the flavor of these Lay’s Spanish Tomato Tango Potato Chips was tangy and bold, with a TINY bit of spice, and lots of tomato and clove flavor. Small notes of ginger and cinnamon. Standard potato chip crunch that we all love an expect from Lay’s potato chips (or Ruffles).

All in all, I really enjoyed these.  I could see myself going out of my way and buying these again. Good work, Frito-Lay India!

PURCHASED AT: Asian Grocery (Lotte food store)

COST: $1.29

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Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 21 Comments

  1. Chip Review says:

    The inclusion of those out of the ordinary spices sound very intriguing to us……
    We must find an Asian aisle in our neck of the woods!

    And the man candy part of the bag is the funniest thing we’ve seen on a Frito Lay product since BBQ Cachondo flavored Doritos from Chile (aka Sexy BBQ),

  2. DiamondNDarkness says:

    You seriously must be the best person to go food shopping with! Oh, the questions I could ask you about your shopping trips……Hmm, cinnamon and tomato in chips? Don’t know if these would be a flavor I would love.

    I had three of my wisdom teeth taken out at once….personally, I thought it was a scam for my dentist to make money off of me. I mean, if they are there and not bothering me, why do I need them removed? At least you got through the process. I know someone who went in to get some cavities filled, and the dental assistant accidentally pierced the Novacaine needle all the way through his cheek!!!! Needless to say, I don’t think he has even had those cavities filled now due to the horror.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @DnD: thanks, we should go shopping sometime! And the needle GOING STRAIGHT THRU THE CHEEK????? NO. WAY. Just when I thought I could think of anything more horrifying, you nailed one. Good lordy. Nightmares

    • DiamondNDarkness says:

      LOL, I would be honored to go shopping! You seem to have a wider selection of stores around you than I do……I have no idea what Giant is, and I’ve heard of Lotte but never been to one. *sigh* I guess we have only the basics in this area.

  3. Will says:

    These chips are very interesting, never thought to have tomato, cinnamon, & clove on them. If I saw them I would try. This is off topic but did u happen to see Curtis Martins hall of fam speech. Wow, very emotional. It’s amazing how he ever made it. Now he is a sports athlete to look up to.

  4. Elisa says:

    I had my wisdom teeth pulled out in high school. It was easier to take the back upper teeth out than the lower ones. For me, it was necessary to take them out, my mouth was crowded.

    My mom used to shop at Lotte but it’s out of the way. She stopped going after Grand Mart in Germantown closed.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Elisa: Yeah, I feel a lot better with these teeth gone. Honestly, I don’t know how I lived with two extra teeth all these years…

  5. You get best quality potatoes because you have best quality heart! (Joy Luck Club reference)

  6. Albany Dana says:

    4 wisdom teeth out, knocked out, vaguely recall someone fighting with my face as I tried to wake up and someone, presumably the oral surgeon, telling the nurse to up the drip on the anesthesia, then more blackness.

    You can get these from a seller at Amazon…along with Magic Masala flavor, also from Lays India. I’m still trying to wrap my head around finding chips from India in an Asian grocery in the USA that are supposed to be some kind of Spanish flavor, but mostly seem based on Indian flavors. Too much thinking…need more beach volleyball – wow did those Italian gals get destroyed, pretty bad when you’re reduced to tears IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MATCH! (“Twice Olympic champions Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh of the United States reduced an Italian opponent to tears on Sunday as they powered into the beach volleyball semi-finals…”I didn’t know that but that’s what you want,” said May-Treanor when a reporter told her what had happened… “I don’t want to let our opponents breathe. I don’t want to give them an edge. I don’t want them to feel comfortable for one second out there,” said Walsh. Asked about a possible clash with compatriots April Ross and Jennifer Kessy in the final, Walsh replied: “That would be amazing for our country but we want to crush everybody. We don’t care where they’re from”…”You need to have that cut-throat mentality. Not mean and not ‘I want to hurt you and devastate you’. It’s ‘I respectfully want to beat you and give you my best game.’ Crush you, yes. Not your soul, just you on the court.””)

  7. Will says:

    Whats Misty May & Walsh ranked

  8. These look awesome. I wonder if I can find some around my parts.

  9. Ashley says:

    I got my wisdom teeth taken out here in Korea because it’s super cheap ($50 for two teeth. glorious), but it was an interesting experience, to say the least. They put like, an s&m mask over my face that only had a hole for the mouth, so I couldn’t see what was happening. And they don’t knock you out or give you laughing gas. Just a tonnnn of Novocaine and then they yank away. So I got to feel the pressure of her sawing and breaking my teeth, which she then held out like a proud kid showing her parents a sticker on a test. Ew was the general experience.

    And if you like foreign flavors of American chips, I should send some Korean bbq doritos or tomato and onion cheetos your way. 🙂

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Ashley – whoa, they gave you your teeth back!? And yes, I *LOVE* foreign flavors of American chips, or any American products, generally – I think those are the best!

  10. Nicole G. says:

    Just found this page while lurking and recognized the man candy on the bag. His name is Saif Ali Khan and he’s a famous Bollywood actor. Hope this helps!

    I’m loving this site by the way. Thanks for the yummy posts!

  11. Jennifer says:

    OH my goodness. I studied in India years ago and, to this day, I’m still hit with random (but intense!) cravings for these bad boys. The craving hit again tonight and I finally googled them to see if I could buy them online. I was happy to see your post appear as one of the first hits. I’m a fan (and also in DC!)

    I know this was posted years ago, so this is a long, long shot, but….any chance you remember which supermarket you got these from? 🙂
