Review: Limited Time Only Sea Salt & Pepper Pringles and Lime & Black Pepper Pringles and Pulling Back the Curtain a Little On
Junk Food Nation, a commenter Jimjab Dubois recently asked: “Do you finish the entire snack? If not, what do you do with it?”
Answer: Honestly, I do eat a lot of the food I have – probably more than I should. I’ve always been a grazer when it comes to food, so even if I think I’m not eating a lot of junk – a few chips here, a cookie there – I always end up wondering where ¾ of the package has gone.
More often than not, however, I just bring the leftovers to work. My government colleagues are more than happy to take a free snack off my hands, even if it is already opened and half gone. “Anyone want a ¾ can of Limited Edition Pringles?” “GIMMMMEEEEEE” is usually the response.
Of course, this doesn’t work with all things – drinks, pastries, etc. But I’m happy to share my eats with my co-workers. Raises office morale a tiny bit too, even if it lowers office productivity due to food coma.
Today’s junk foods: Limited Time Only Sea Salt & Pepper Pringles and Lime & Black Pepper Pringles!
Pringles is really doing a lot this year, isn’t it? Yet ANOTHER batch of Limited Time Only chips – Limited Time Only Sea Salt & Pepper Pringles and Lime & Black Pepper Pringles. Yet ANOTHER kind of random Pringles found at Walmart. Simple flavors, sure, but still I’m excited to taste them. Salt and pepper chips are some of my favorite.
I’ve reviewed a TON of Pringles flavors this year…when will it end????

Limited Time Only Sea Salt & Pepper Pringles: I do like the imagery of salt and pepper shakers on a chess board. I’ve often thought of that bishops and rooks looked like shakers…
Limited Time Only Sea Salt & Pepper Pringles were pretty tasty. As a lover of Salt and Pepper chips to begin with, I’ve always enjoyed the unique savory taste that those chips had. These were no different – the first taste is just a nice black pepper flavor with a decent amount of salt to round it out. My mouth felt like it had a cloud of black pepper in it, but these were not spicy. This black pepper taste was smoother than some other salt and pepper chips where the black pepper is designed to be more harsh and biting. These weren’t overly salty or overly peppery – just a good balance overall to go with the standard Pringles taste.
Onto the Limited Time Only Lime & Black Pepper Pringles!

Limited Time Only Lime & Black Pepper Pringles: Not sure what I’m seeing here…is the chip taking a lime shower? Kinky.

Limited Time Only Lime & Black Pepper Pringles: Ooooooooooooooooh yeah. Load me up with that citric acid.
You guys know I typically do NOT like Lime on chips EVER, but these Limited Time Only Lime & Black Pepper Pringles were actually pretty good! Which shocked ME, let me tell you. The main reason: you are not being clubbed over the head with lime flavor. To be clear, I actually DO like fresh squeezed lime on chips, tortillas, etc. – it’s just that in manufactured chips, in order to match that fresh squeezed magnitude, companies often overdouse the chips in “lime powder” which REALLY tastes artificial.
Here, the lime flavor was actually sort of muted, which made it taste more real, in my mind. And when that clicked for me, it tasted like I was actually eating a black pepper potato chip that had been squeezed with lime. The lime didn’t cover up the salt of black pepper flavor, it merely enhanced the savoriness of the salty part of the Pringles. Really good, in fact.
I enjoyed BOTH of these a lot. Nice work, Pringles! Go to Walmart and buy these, folks.
COST: $1.50
Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy
Discuss - 14 Comments
Again, we must say it: you are the “Prince of Pringles”!!
Either that, or you are sponsored by them……lol.
These both sound great, thanks for the info. Hope we can find them in our neck of the woods.
@Chip Review: Definitely try them!
Seriously, Pringles better be retweeting you or sending you free cans or at least paying for your gym membership…
@Teresapalooza: No retweets…yet 🙁
The real question is, are you going to review the new Pumpkin Spice flavored Pringles? I think those are a Walmart exclusive as well.
@Echo710: PUMPKIN SPICE PRINGLES!? holy hell
I foresee, in 2014, Pringles will give junkfoodguy a tour of their potato chip rendering factory and he will discover the chilling, terrifying truth that Pringles are made from cardboard.
@Stanley: and people. Pringles are PEEEOPPPPPLLLLLLEEEE!!!!!
I was just about to say you need to find those pumpkin spice pringles that the impulsive buy talked about the other day. I could see them working with sweet potato chips but not in pringles form.
@Nick: Haven’t seen them yet but I will DEF be looking for them now!
Saw the pumpkin spice pringles and nearly gagged at the thought. I did pick up a can of salt and pepper as they were clearing the rack of limited time pringles to make room for new flavors and wow… Could keep myself in butt for not buying them all! Love em! Best chip ever!
Kick myself that is… Not keep
@Donna: LOL, yeah they were pretty good. Such fleeting flavors – Pringles needs to keep these around!
Please bring back tha sea salt and black pepper. These are a big hit in my house. Best pringles yet!