Review: Justin’s Organic Milk Chocolate & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups & JUSTIN’S WANTS TO GIVE YOU A CASE OF THESE!
Junk Food Nation, good morning. Today, I’d like to re-introduce myself. My name is Eric, your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy. I review new junk foods, snack foods, other foods on a daily basis right here on this blog, as well as ramble about life in general. I do not claim to be a food expert or a great writer. I just eat a lot.
I say all this because, for the next three days, I am going to BREAK my posting schedule (just temporarily). I am heading to California for a wedding and will not have access to a computer. Normally, I would just prepare a few posts ahead of time, and time them out during my travel, but this time around it’s not gonna happen. But that’s OK – because for the next three days, I want you focus on this post, and especially what I am OFFERING in this post. (Don’t worry – I’ll be back to my normal ways on Monday, and you can follow me adventures over on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page – I’ll be Instagramming my butt off for the next 72 hours.)
I’ve reviewed the candy from Justin’s a couple of times already on this blog. To sum things up, I LOVE JUSTIN’S. Well, apparently, Justin’s loves me too, but more than that, JUSTIN’S LOVES YOU. They are teaming up with me this Halloween to give one lucky winner A CASE OF JUSTIN’S ORGANIC MILK CHOCOLATE & DARK CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS. Yes, a CASE. That’s 72 packages of what I’m going to review below – half Milk Chocolate, half Dark Chocolate. (That’s 144 total PB Cups, Nation – 2 cups to a pouch.)
The purpose? Justin’s wants you to give these out for Halloween! You will definitely be the COOLEST house on the block giving out delicious organic chocolate and peanut butter candy. It used to be that you were king if you gave out full size candy bars while all the other hucksters were dishing out fun size BS. But you gotta step up your game, brah. When Trick or Treaters come to your house BAM! You give them only the finest organic and all-natural candy in the land! No hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup in this house!
You wanna enter the contest? YOU WANNA ENTER THE CONTEST!? Then read on, dear friends. I’ll review the prize first, and then get to the contest details below.
Today’s junk food: Justin’s Organic Milk Chocolate & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups!
I actually picked up these Justin’s Organic Milk Chocolate & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups back during the Summer Fancy Food Show and have been saving them in my freezer for a rainy day. Well, it’s not rainy today, but every day is a good day to eat Justin’s peanut butter/chocolate candy!
Let’s get a photo rundown of each candy, and then my thoughts after:

Justin’s Organic Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups: delicate treats in paper cups, and a coupon to boot!
Justin’s Organic Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups are the best peanut butter cups you will ever, ever have. First of all, the milk chocolate on the outside was sweet and creamy, and didn’t leave a greasy chocolate slime on my fingers – having no hydrogenated oils will solve that. The peanut butter filling was sweet and very peanutty, and felt legitimately like a hand crafted filling – not a whipped paste. There were bits of nut in the filling which added a lot to the candy’s chewing texture. The saltiness of the peanut butter helped enhance the sweetness of the milk chocolate, and the overall taste was just superb. You can’t help but feel like you’re eating a Reese’s Cup DONE THE RIGHT WAY. FINALLY.
Onto the next!

Justin’s Organic Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups: Organic cocoa butter is something I want all the time
Justin’s Organic Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups are more up my alley than the milk chocolate ones, and I’ll explain why. This had the same great peanut butter filling, and had a nice, not-as-sweet, rich dark chocolate outside. The flavor of the cocoa was really strong here. But more than that, the peanut butter saltiness REALLY brought out the richness of the dark chocolate, making a normally not-so-sweet dark chocolate JUUUUST sweet enough to knock my socks off. IMO, there is no better combo of peanut butter and chocolate than peanut butter and DARK chocolate, and it was best experienced in this cup. Just awesome.
PURCHASED AT: Fancy Food show, but can be found at supermarkets across the nation
COST: Free (normally retails for ~$2)
Ok, you’ve heard my pitch, now I’m sure you just wanna know HOW CAN I GET A CASE OF THESE CHIPPED TO MY HOUSE??? Well, it’s another Twitter Contest, but with a few tweaks:
1. Join Twitter. This is a Twitter contest, so man up and sign up. I keep telling you to do this. So do it.
2. Once you’re on Twitter, look for my tweets about Justin’s Organic Milk Chocolate & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups! To best find these tweets, follow me on Twitter here – it’s not required, but it’ll make everything a whole lot easier when you’re looking for my Justin’s tweets.
3. Re-Tweet the Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups Tweets I’ll post periodically through the next week. AND THAT’S IT. You’ll automatically be entered in a drawing for these delicious cups.
4. Contest ends at 11:59pm EST on Tuesday, October 16. Get all your Re-Tweets in before then! I’ll announce the winner on Wednesday, October 17.
5. US residents are the only ones eligible to participate, and no one with PO Boxes. I don’t make the rules. Wait, I kind of do. But whatever – Justin’s will only ship within the US and to no PO Boxes. So keep that in mind.
6. Friends can and SHOULD enter, since I’ve become friends with so many of you over Facebook, Twitter, comments, etc. Family cannot enter, but is encouraged to re-tweet anyways and have THEIR friends enter.
7. The more times you Re-Tweet, the more times you’ll be entered! The last contest I had for the Candy Corn Oreos was won because, well, the winners DELUGED THEIR TIMELINES with Junk Food Guy tweets. You can do the same thing!
8. ONE LAST THING – THE TWIST: MORE WAYS TO ENTER! Holy moly, what am I doing? Giving you more ways to win, that’s what. If you copy and paste and tweet out any of the following italicized pre-written tweets, you’ll earn another entry. And, if I see you’ve done the TRIFECTA – retweet this blog post, AND tweeting out BOTH of the sentences below – I’ll give you FOUR entries total.
Cut the following italicized sentences – Paste – Tweet …..and earn additional entries!
Check out @junkfoodguy review of @JustinsNutButta Milk Chocolate & Dark Chocolate Peanut Bar
Check out @junkfoodguy review of @JustinsNutButta All-Natural Milk Chocolate Almond Bar
So that’s it, Junk Food Nation. Enter my Twitter Contest and win a case of Justin’s candy, mailed directly to your door. And enjoy your weekend – honestly, I do feel badly about not being able to post for the next three days. I know you guys have an expectation that I like to keep. But I will be back, better than ever! And follow my California adventures over on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page – I’ll be Instagramming like a mad man for the next 72 hours.
Enjoy the weekend, enjoy playoff baseball, and enjoy football Sunday.
MY NFL PICKS FOR WEEK 6 (Last Week: 7-7, Overall: 42-35): Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Atlanta, Cincy, St Louis, Indy, Detroit, Tampa Bay, Baltimore, New England, San Fran, Minnesota, Houston, Denver. Let’s Go, Buff-A-Lo!
Thoughts? Share this post by using the buttons below! Or comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy
Discuss - 11 Comments
1. You’re going to my state. JELLY!
2. These are AMAZING!!! They sold these in the lobby of my job this summer… Needless to say I spent too much money and got too fat…
3. Contest for a CASE of these bad boys?!?!?! You’s insane. And
4. I WANT THESE!!!!!!!!
@Adi: No, YOUS insane
I like how u picked the pats this week. Have a good time at the wedding!
Now I can follow your tweets.
@Will: Thanks, man!
Finally over the bitterness I see;]
As for this contest, Idgaf if I won last time, I’m definitely entering like mad for these. They look like what a reeses cup should look like. That and I can’t find any of Justin’s candy in my area, only the normal butters so these would be a nice change of pace.
@Nick: Def enter as many times as you want!
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite candy, so I’m definitely curious to see if these are really better. I’m always down for trying any type of peanut butter-related candy. I’ve never seen these in any stores near me, but according to their website there are plenty of stores around me that should have them (maybe might keep them in a different section than the regular candy), so I’ll look for them the next time I’m out.
@Devin – peanut butter related candy is something that brings the world together 🙂
I’m not entering, I’m pointing out your reviewing bias.
They are good, and a worthy substitute for Reese’s (I do appreciate the ingredients) but better? I’m going to have to call you on your shit there.
Well, I tried the milk chocolate cups for the first time. And after reading your reviews, I’m sorry to say I was disappointed. The peanut butter was FANTASTIC! But the milk chocolate not only didn’t have enough cocoa, it was incredibly waxy and tasteless. Like I said, I’m sorry, but I won’t be purchasing these again.
@S Lovett: Awh, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy them! No worries – everyone’s taste buds are different, so don’t ever worry about offending me or anything. I love hearing contrasting viewpoints! Thanks for reading 🙂