Review: Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate & What It’s Like Living in DC During an Election

Junk Food Nation, today I’d like to share with you what it’s like to live in DC during an election cycle. For the past few weeks (no, strike that, the last few months), we’ve all been inundated with TV ads, radio spots, and web promotion for a variety of candidates.  On Facebook and Twitter, people made drinking games out of the debates, and memes of various shapes and sizes have been posted on Reddit, Tumblr, EVERYWHERE.  Now imagine that kind of sensory overload, triple it, and you’re still nowhere close to how it is to live in DC during these times.

People say DC is an event-driven town, and oh, are they right.  Most people in the nation just watched the Democratic and Republican Conventions if they had time, and if it conflicted with baseball, well, pitching duels won out. Not in DC.  I had a friend who took three days off work to absorb EVERY MINUTE OF DNC COVERAGE, like it was March Madness.  I had friends who made it a roadtrip to drive down to Florida and partake in the RNC.  I remember during one of the last election cycles, during the RNC and DNC, you could hear people in the apartment building cheering and wooping through the HVAC vents.  LIKE IT WAS THE OLYMPICS.

Debates? FORGET IT. Every restaurant, bar, speakeasy, establishment I knew of was having a party/drink specials/themed nights for the debates.  People packed into bars and cheered for each side like it was an English soccer match.  Oooo lay oooo lay olay olayyyyyyyyy.

And tomorrow night in DC, on Election Day, the first question will be: stay home and have a party, or go out and mingle with city folk?  Just laying low, for many, is not an option.  The event-driven nature of the town is what leads to articles like this and this.  Whether you’re an Elephant or a Donkey, you’re going to be drinking heavily tomorrow night in the District.

I grew up in an area (like many of you) where politics was definite water cooler talk, and maybe there was some buzz.  In Upstate NY, we only had parties three times a year: graduation, holiday, and Super Bowl.  And for my city that lives and breathes politics, THIS IS THE SUPER BOWL.  And, admittedly, I love every second of it.

Today’s junk food: Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate!

Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate: The Money Shot

Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate is from Lindt Germany, where apparently there is a whole line of these “Hello, My Name Is…”  Obviously, the name of this chocolate was inspired by two songs: Hello by Lionel Richie or My Name Is by Eminem.  Obviously.


Combining chocolate and strawberry cheesecake flavors is ambitious, but Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate attempts it.  According to the description, “I’m irresistibly smooth melting milk chocolate, sinfully delicious strawberry pieces, and a light quark crème filling.”  What is quark? Apparently, it’s a soft cheese, NOT just the name of the computer program I was NEVER able to learn in college.


The best translation Google Translate could give me on this was: whole milk chocolate with earthy berry juice cremefüllung…I’m going to assume the last word should translate to creme filling.  Not bad, Google Translate, not bad!

50 calories per block

More translation: “discover the exciting new combination of irresistibly smooth melting milk chocolate lindt fully sundhaft delicious earthy beer stuckchen and a loose light quark cream stuffing”  Starting to peter out on me here, Google…

I appreciate real strawberries

Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate does contain real strawberries and cream cheese, though, which is nice – at least they aren’t trying to produce Strawberry Cheesecake flavor through artificial means.  Well, through ONLY artificial means.

Red bar!

Lordy, every inch of the packaging of this Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate bar is like a party, huh? The colorful foil, the cartoon-y message within….it’s like a party up in here!

10 pieces of glory

Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate smelled A LOT LIKE STRAWBERRIES as soon as I opened the foil.  WOW.  The smell of fruit just came pouring out.  That seems like a good sign, although somewhat unnatural – what on Earth could make it smell so strong, if not something artificial?  Opinions reserved until I take a bite…

Cheesecake within???

WHOA.  SPOT. ON.  This Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate bar basically tasted just like pieces of strawberry cheesecake that had been wrapped in chocolate.

The Lindt milk chocolate was smooth, creamy, and sweet – exactly what you’d expect of Lindt.  The filling, however, was so much more.  It had the texture of cheesecake – licking it, the creme had a thick quality like that you’d find in a cheesecake.  And the flavor was amazingly accurate – the sweet cream cheese highlighted by moments of strawberry fruit. The fruit sweetness tickled the tongue at the same time the cream calmed it.  REALLY accurate.

One strange texture thing – there were, I think, candied strawberry crystals within, which ended up giving the chocolate piece a tiny bit of crunch – which was strange.  Unnecessary, IMO.

The flavor of the strawberry cheesecake mixed with the milk chocolate made it feel like I was eating, in some respects, Neapolitan ice cream (WHICH I LOVE).  So that combo really worked for me.

Really tasty – if you get a chance, try this!

PURCHASED AT: Gift from Lindt themselves, but you can buy it at Lindt online

COST: $5.00

Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 15 Comments

  1. Rodzilla says:

    “WHOA. SPOT. ON. This Lindt “Hello My Name Is Strawberry Cheesecake” Chocolate bar basically tasted just like pieces of strawberry cheesecake that had been wrapped in chocolate.”

    Jesus,11 paragraphs to find out. You’re like the Colin Powell of junk food reviews 😀

    So are certain bars designate themselves as loyal to either party? I feel like there is huge potential for conflict otherwise..could be entertaining.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Rodzilla: Dude, you KNOW where my actual review “begins” typically – you could just scroll down! I won’t be offended 😛

      I think some bars tend to lean one way or the other, but they don’t want to miss out on making $$$ either way – so many places are offering both red and blue drinks, etc. The political parties themselves are hosting private events at places all over the city, with a small cover fee – so the net result may be Repubs here, Dems there, etc.

  2. kerry says:

    I find this entire post as a strange coincidence.

    Just this very morning a a colleague from Germany sent me this chocolate bar (along with “Hello, my name is Cookies and Cream”).

    I must say, your description was spot on. While this was extremely delicious, please try the Cookies and Creme as well! In my opinion, might be even better….

    Mmm. Made my Monday morning!

    In regards to your political rantings, how very true they are. I am a transplant in DC as well, and still can’t get over the bar/politics scene. So very strange.

  3. What a flirty chocolate bar package! These will be huge around Valentine’s Day…

  4. Nick Rovo says:

    I thought asians were good at math. Last time I checked, 210/4=52.5;]. You’re destroying stereotypes as we speak.

    I’m not much of a fan of cheesecake but I want that c&c bar the other person mentioned. If it’s anything like I imagine, it’s as good or even better than hershey’s c&c bar that I have fond memories with. Wait they make a caramel brownie one as well…and all of these bars are a part of lindt usa so now I must go hunt these down.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Nick: Destroying stereotypes is my game…I think. Depends if that’s a good or bad thing.

      And re: the hello caramel brownie – oh that’s coming soon!

  5. Elisa says:

    Tomorrow night I’ll be listening to the results on WTOP radio as I drive home from work. (I work 2 evenings a week)
    On TV, I’ve seen way too many VA Senate, Question 7, and presidental campaign ads to count with the occasional non-Democrat MD Senate campaign ad tossed into the mix.

  6. Tania says:

    Is it suitable for vegetarians??

  7. Tania says:

    Is it suitable for vegetarians??

  8. Lauren says:

    What Tania is trying to ask is if it has gelatin or animal rennet (often found in cheese, made from calf stomach). That’s why a lot of cheeses and chocolates say’Suitable for Vegetarians.’ Vegetarians can still have dairy unless they’re vegan.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Lauren: Ah – then I’m not sure. I’m not a vegetarain or vegan myself, so I don’t have the best eye for things to look out for :/
