Review: Cool American Doritos (from Iceland!) & My Late Thoughts On Jason Collins, Tim Tebow, and My Life

Junk Food Nation, I’ll admit – this week my blogging mettle has been tested.  Whether it’s because things have been busy at work, or I just haven’t been sleeping well, or because I’ve been distracted by other things, I just haven’t been on top of this blog.  There’s been so much to talk about this week, so much junk food to eat, and I’ve been slacking.  It’s been almost two years since my first blog post, and I’ve gone from blogging daily to at least three times a week, and I’ve added podcasting and some contests and writing for other blogs.  Is it too much? I don’t think so. This blog is always a joy – I’ve always aimed for this not to be just a review blog, but also to be a place where I can BS and hang out with all of you fun people and talk about what matters to me.  So, sorry for slacking, because YOU matter to me.

So let’s get to it! First things first: read my review of Cabo Chips and enter my contest to win a case of these chips!  They are damn good, and you want them.  Trust me.  TRUST. ME.

Next, NBA player Jason Collins came out as gay a couple days ago. I tend to avoid politics and controversy in my blog posts…at least, I try to. Except when it comes to sports.  You Bills critics can go screw, BECAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE A BILLS FAN.  Ugh, unless you’re from Cleveland.  Sorry, Cleveland.  You DO understand. Hug it out.

But I wanted to comment on Jason Colins coming out as the first active gay player in the NBA, or in any of the four major US sports (yes, I’m including hockey, you jerks).  And I wanted to say this is a GOOD THING.  Let’s me clarify: whether your opinion on the issue is positive or negative, whether you are ok or not ok with people being gay, whether you think Jason Collins is a hero or a opportunist, this situation is a GOOD THING.  Why?  Because THERE ARE GAY PEOPLE IN SPORTS AND IT MAKES NO SENSE TO PRETEND THERE ISN’T.  That’s all.  I feel like people who say, “He shouldn’t have said anything” are doing the equivalent of plugging their ears and yelling LA LA LA I’M NOT LISTENING I’M NOT LISTENING. And all I’m saying is: you don’t have to agree with it, but can we at least stop acting like reality isn’t a certain way? Because it is.

And finally, Tim Tebow.  I’m annoyed as you are that ESPN has an obsession with Tebowmania; he’s the only QB I know that gets HOURS of coverage for being CUT.  But I’ll just say I feel bad for the guy.  I’m pretty sure he didn’t ask for the circus the NYJets turned into; all this guy wants to do is play football. You can make fun of his background, or his beliefs, but none of those things matter.  The real question is: can he play football?  And that’s where Tebow himself needs to do a little bit of reality checking. At this point, Tim, your window to QB is tiny, if not closed.  With more new younger QBs coming into the league, the odds are growing ever against your favor.  It’s time to suck it up and become a fullback or something.  Sticking to your principles and beliefs is when you speak up when you see somebody else being a dick or is when you refuse to pay too much for something on eBay.  It is NOT refusing to adapt or ignoring reality.  You don’t come off principled, you come off delusional.

Ok, enough spilling of thoughts onto keyboard.  Today’s junk food: Cool American Doritos!

Cool American Doritos

Cool American Doritos: The Money Shot

These Cool American Doritos were given to me by the coolest American I know, my buddy Mike.  He went to Iceland and found these for me.  My obvious first thought, as I’m sure your was, was “Hey, these look just like Cool Ranch Doritos!  That bowl of white looking nondescript stuff appears to be ranch dressing.” And it really begs the question: when other countries think of thinks being “American” flavored, do they really land on RANCH DRESSING as the taste?  Wow.  I always thought American tasted more ketchup/mustard-y.

Cool American Doritos

Cool American Doritos: Roasted Maize?  That’s not American…wait, I guess it is, back in the day…

Experience a Doritos moment….YIIIIHAAAA!  That MUST be what they imagine all Americans doing.  Sitting around with out cowboy hats, yelping YIIIHAAAA

Cool American Doritos

Cool American Doritos: YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHAAAA!!!! That’s what Americans yell, right?


Cool American Doritos

Cool American Doritos: Er…….

If you think I was bad at reading Spanish, you can imagine how bad I am at reading…er…whatever this language is.  Icelandic?  Did I make that up?

Cool American Doritos

Cool American Doritos: Looks sort of like….

Cool American Doritos

Cool American Doritos:….Cool Ranch Doritos? (Not a spoiler)

These Cool American Doritos tasted *SURPRISE* just like Cool Ranch Doritos!  Actually, I’ll qualify – they, to me actually tasted a TINY bit more onion-powder-y, with a little less powder overall.  They reminded me of how I like to think of Cool Ranch Doritos when I was a kid before these chip companies super blasted these chips with flavoring.

So yeah.  Cool American Doritos.  I suppose there’s worse things we could have dubbed as “American” flavored.  I mean, can you imagine if all foreign countries knew of us were Circus Peanuts? Bleh.

Thanks for your patience during this rough week.  See ya again soon, Nation.

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 11 Comments

  1. Shorneys says:


  2. Lindemann says:

    As a ranch-dressing-hating American, I could not be more embarrassed by the flavor profile that has been chosen as representative of our great nation by the good people at Frito-Lay Iceland (or EU). Sometimes I feel I should wear a button to bars saying “There is no acceptable dipping sauce for my wings other than blue cheese.” That would save me valuable seconds of interaction with the server that I could be using to brood about sports teams. I forget what I was talking about. Anyway, ranch is gross.

  3. DiamondNDarkness says:

    Tebow only gets coverage because women think he’s sexy; I mean, why would a sexy QB get cut?! Football and sex always go together, c’mon, HAHA. Let’s see how long this coverage continues; I say at least until he gets a modeling gig. Awesome post in general by the way. Agreed that we can’t go around pretending that everyone’s preferences are like our own.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @DnD: He is dreamy, ain’t he? Honestly, I could see him just going on the road to become a motivational speaker or something

  4. Devin says:

    I have nothing against Jason Collins being gay or coming out as a gay athlete or anything like that. The only thing I don’t like about the story is how he strung along his girlfriend/fiancee for eight years and then called off the wedding at the last minute (literally the last minute, as she already had the dress, the venue was set, invitations had been sent out). It’s better than the alternative of going through with the marriage anyway, but I feel really sad for the woman when she pretty much says she wasted eight years of her life.

  5. Will says:

    Ya I felt pretty bad for his fiancée also. I just can’t stand these people who say that Collins is going to hell because he his gay. Who the hell do they think they are, god. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it’s just ignorant in my opinion.

  6. Sascha says:

    Jason Collins was definitely courageous. I’ve heard too many radio hosts and callers trying to bring him down, but the fact of the matter is that he is the first openly gay male athlete in a top team sport, and that deserves recognition. No, he’s not Jackie Robinson, but if Collins continues his career, it will be interesting what he has to go through as far as teammates, opponents and fans are concerned.

    I think Tebow can still be a QB, but not an NFL QB. And at this point, I don’t think he can adjust and be an NFL fullback or TE either. Sorry Tim, as a Gator it pains me, but you’re history.

    And those Doritos do look better than our version, with the flavoring not so caked on as it is around here nowadays.

    America, ________ Yeah!
