Review: New Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Spice Milanos & Crowdsourcing: What is the OPTIMAL KITCHEN GARBAGE CAN?
Junk Food Nation, I have something to admit: for the past, say, 1.5 years, I’ve been living without a kitchen garbage can. Let me repeat that: I HAVE BEEN LIVING WITHOUT A KITCHEN GARBAGE CAN. Now the first question is obviously WHY? Well, I used to own a garbage can that looked like this: tall, cylindrical, stainless aluminum, could something like 8000 liters of whatever you use liters to measure.
The problem? It started to smell (as most garbage cans do). And despite being really up on changing the bags, the smell remained. It became clear that the can needed washing…but it was also so tall that my arm couldn’t reach to the bottom. Well, WTF. I’m not Kevin Durant here. And I’m not about to FORCE my shoulder and armpits into this crazy smelly germy vessel. Into the dumpster it went – I’d had it for like seven years already, so whatever.
So now – no garbage can. (Sidenote: I do have garbage cans all over the rest of the apartment, just not a specifically designated KITCHEN one). My resulting life isn’t as gross as you’d think – living in a decent condo building, the garbage is right in my hallway, so now I frequent the hallway garbage receptacle to toss in smaller bags of garbage all the effing time. It’s cathartic. Yes, I know this is odd.
But I’ve been thinking that perhaps its time to buy a kitchen garbage can again…you know, join the modern world. Problem: WHICH ONE? I know that I don’t want it to be too tall because I need to be able to wipe out and sanitize the inside if I need to. Do I get one of those electronic ones that the flap opens automatically? Is there one that will sing to me when I insert garbage? Or is it ridiculous to spend more than $5 on a garbage can? And do YOU have one that you think is JUST. AWESOME.
In the comments below I am asking for your suggestions. I want links to, photos, whatever – tell me what kitchen garbage can I should get. Spare no expense. Please – I can’t keep placing onion skins and broccoli roots into old bread bags and dunking them in the hallway garbage.
Today’s junk food: New Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Spice Milanos!
So, it’s mid August and Pumpkin Spice stuff is back, huh? Hoooo-kay. Forget the fact that summer storms are still happening, and in many parts, it’s still beach weather – bring on the cinnamon!
Well, I’m glad that if Fall flavors ARE going to be here that we’re starting it off with these Milanos. I love Milanos. This is one of those flavor combos where you look at it and think “Why haven’t they made this sooner?” I’m not going to bother with much text – let’s just do some photos and get right to the flavor…
I munched on one of these New Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Spice Milanos, and what is there really to say except these are WONDERFUL. Look, I’m not going to try to make these out to be something they aren’t – these are just your classic Milano cookies with a really good pumpkin spice flavor.
The cookie is standard Milano fare, nice and light and crumbly with not much added sugary taste – just a nice sweet dough that paired really well with the dark chocolate layer in between the cookies. The chocolate was rich and flavorful.
Add on top of that just some classic pumpkin spice flavor. Pumpkin and cinnamon flavor, mixed together. The cookies smelled like a pumpkin spice latte, and the mix of pumpkin spice and chocolate? Just worked well – the pumpkin spice flavor added the sweetness to help round out the chocolate flavor.
But, like I said before, in the end it wasn’t like anything about this flavor was surprising or unpredictable. These cookies tasted exactly how I thought they would….DELICIOUS.
COST: $2.88
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 31 Comments
I recommend a trash can like this one. It’s small enough to fit inside a cabinet and it recycles grocery store bags.
@Stephanie: LOVE IT – I may get this one. I have a BILLION grocery bags still
We have something like this one: It’s a little expensive but it looks nice and has a lid (a lid is key if you are not emptying the garbage every day). Simple Human sells proprietary bags, but you can probably also use any old bag for that size container. I believe they are sold at Bed Bath too, so you can save on the price with a 20% off coupon.
@Steve B – I’ll have to look into this one. I have a stack of BB&B coupons because they send them to me all the damn time
I will add that, if I had it to do all over again, I might buy this one: Even more expensive, but it has spaces for garbage and recycling.
You didn’t swish & soak the bottom of the trash can with water & bleach for a few hours once a month? I just use a small office plastic trash can & use two plastic grocery bags. I think smaller is better so it encourages you to take out the trash often so it doesn’t smell. Like, once every 3 or 4 days. Yes, expenses MUST be spared! This is to be done as cheaply as possible! Trash belongs in the can, not on the lawn! Old school! Turn down that music! 😛
@MP: Yeah, I need to be better about cleaning the can (once I get one). Right now (still) I do what you do – office can with grocery bags
I have a clean toilet brush that I use for cleaning the bottom of trash cans. It’s also handy for scrubbing under sinks or other hard-to-reach places in the house. You can also find many types of long-handled brushes at:
@Jenny: SO MANY BRUSHES. My mind is overwhelmed 😉
This – plus this – is a good kitchen trashcan combo. The shape fits those odd shaped things that get thrown away in the kitchen.
@Steve: Hmmm slim fit…. I can throw away 2-LITER bottles lengthwise! Lol.
Here’s the one we bought last year. I like that you can take out the liner which makes it easy to clean. Also, in the bottom of the stainless steel container, there is a little step that the liner can perch on when you put the trash bag in. It then slides back down into the container and the trash bag stays put. It is expensive, but it should last a long time.
@Chris: All of this would be much easier if I had a hose …and a yard. This does look like the cadillac of trash cans, however.
Also, I have made it a point to start asking places that sell food related stuff when their pumpkin spice version is coming out. I asked at Starbucks and they wouldn’t tell me, I asked at a local froyo spot if they were going to carry a pumpkin spice version and they wouldn’t tell me. I need to know all things pumpkin spice related.
@Steve: HA – they wouldn’t tell you?? How funny.
Can’t help you out. I use a plastic grocery bag, hang it from a drawer…..when it is full I take it to the hall. kitchens are just too damn small in Chile. I kind of like it like this though, for a few moments everyday, my kitchen is completely garbage free! This review reminds me, I have to try those lemon Milanos!…..hope they weren’t limited edition.
@Sarah: Hang it from your drawer??? What are you, in college?
I use one of these:
Normal 13 gallon bags fit just fine, you don’t have to use one of their proprietary liners. Really good about keeping odors contained within the can. The pet lock is pretty useful too, if you’ve got pets.
@Sasha: This is the second vote for this type of can! Quickly rising to the top of the list
I like how you start by admitting that you’ve “been living with a kitchen garbage can.” Human-inanimate object communal living…in another 5.5 years it can be considered a common-law marriage!
But then you contradict yourself by saying that you have been liviing without a kitchen garbage can. So I’m confused.
BTW, although you probably couldn’t get Kevin Durant to clean your kitchen garbage can, you surely could get Greg Oden or Kwame Brown to do it for a good price.
@Kahnye: Makes sense, since Greg Oden only plays in garbage time
I use a plain office desk trashcan under the sink. I usually use 2 bags because I recycle everything and my trash tends to be mostly coffee grounds and those get messy if they leak through the bag. And I hate cleaning trash cans out.
@Runinboise: Yeah, I throw away coffee grounds every single day. I feel like I need to make a garden where all of the expended grounds are the soil.
Speaking of fall theme snacks, I spotted bags of white chocolate Halloween M&Ms at a CVS in my hometown. Already?!
For those who shop at Costco, notice the Halloween stuff and kid sized costumes are out!
@Elisa: Have you noticed Xmas stuff out already?
kind of weird, but i’ve been looking for a good kitchen trash can for like, over a year! so glad you have asked for suggestions so i can check them out, too 😉
anyway. i’m an american white girl, so i’m obviously super pumped about all pumpkin flavored everything! i love milanos and i really, really want to try these. i’m hoping they come to my town soon!
@Kaitlyn: So, have you tried these yet? (I know I’m responding to a post that’s almost 1.5 months old at this point…)
Curse you! I LOVE pumpkin spice anything but it doesn’t happen over here.
I also do not have a kitchen garbage can; I have a small lidded bucket for food waste which comes with its own special bio-degradable bags (and goes in the dishwasher regularly) and then a large trash bag that gets transferred to a bigger garbage can with a lid ready to be picked up at the end of the week. I see no issue with your system unless you can spring for one of those fancy trash compactors. Definitely consider one of those.
@Troutpoutt: Yeah, I take small bags of trash to my hallway shoot all the time now.
And NO pumpkin spice in the UK? How is this possible? Seems like an untapped market
Why not just scrub out the can with a long-handled brush? $1 at dollar tree could have gotten you a new toilet brush. That, some soap, and baking soda would likely have solved your problem.
@P- yeah….things I SHOULD’VE done 😛