Review: Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos & The Nosh Show Ep. 38: Mr. Grease Stained Food Bag
JUNK FOOD NATION! It’s gorgeous Monday here in DC, and I hope you’re having a good start to the week. Did everyone enjoy the world’s best reality show / soap opera, the NFL, yesterday? I know I did. Hey, did you know Robert Griffin III is apparently made of balsa wood? And my Buffalo Bills are in *gasp* first place??
Before we get into my review of the Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos, EPISODE 38 OF THE NOSH SHOW IS HERE! For the uninitiated, The Nosh Show is a podcast started by Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, featuring Ryan from GrubGrade, Dubba from On Second Scoop, and, of course, me, your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy. And today marks the release of The Nosh Show Episode 38: Mr. Grease Stained Food Bag:
This week, “we examine Taco Bell’s Biscuit Taco, Candy Corn Pebbles Cereal, a hot peanut butter drink, Olive Garden’s Never Ending Pasta Pass, Hershey’s new logo, and much more.” Listen embedded here:
You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS, or, you can also download the episode.
Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos!
First off, hat tip to Marvo with the Impulsive Buy – he tipped me off to the fact that Oreo’s PR company was mailing out these Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos early, so I got on the horn and acted like a petulant child until they sent me some. Actually, Oreo was totally cool about it, and OVERNIGHT, I received the above box. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO……mystery! Except I had requested it, so I knew what the answer was. Yumminess, that’s the answer.
Apparently, Oreo thinks very highly of themselves. Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos, my new favorite pumpkin spice treat? How do YOU know what else I’ve had, Oreo? Huh? I could’ve been drinking pumpkin spice champagne off the back of a pumpkin spice escort. And these cookies are supposed to top THAT?
… oh who am I kidding, I love you, Pumpkin Spice Oreos. I haven’t even tried you yet, but I know I love you. I’m sorry. Forgive me – stay forever, Pumpkin Spice Oreos. Let’s move in together.
Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos….jaw. Agape.
You know, we talked about WHY these didn’t exist last year on the Nosh Show with the Nerd Lunch guys. Oreo listened, everyone! We’re relevant!
Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos don’t contain any pumpkin puree, but I’m not surprised. Just stuff them with “natural flavor” and be done with it…
Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos, when opened, BOOMED with pumpkin spice smell. Holy S. It was like sticking my nose directly into a pumpkin pie. The smell was VERY sweet too – stung the nostrils a bit. The Oreo creme and pumpkin smell overwhelmed my senses. I’m pretty sure I passed out.
When I came to, I pried open one of these Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos. I have to say, it’s not the prettiest orange color in the world…and why is it so slick and shiny? Weird. But I sniffed, and indeed – pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin bread images danced in my head.
Up close, these Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos looked right though…the color of the creme was very much like the color of pumpkin pie filling…maybe a little darker. Also, when I snapped the cookie open, the consistency looked like pumpkin pie filling to me:
Placing a half of a Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreo into my mouth, I chewed, and oooooooh yeah. These are good. The pumpkin spice flavor was spot on. Family members tried these, and everyone agreed – the pumpkin flavor was front and center, and there was plenty of cinnamon and spice to go around. Oreo wasn’t messing around with these. They WANTED you to know that these were pumpkin spice, and they wanted to make sure the flavor stood up when chewing the Golden Oreo with it. And it did. Oh, it did.
In fact, that may be my only criticism of these Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos – VERY VERY sweet. These did not taste like pumpkin pie inside a Golden Oreo. These definitely tasted like Oreos that had been HEAVILY FLAVORED with pumpkin spice. What I mean is that the sweetness of the inside creme wasn’t muted AT ALL – at times I almost got a pumpkin spice frosting-like flavor.
In the end, however, I thought these were an A+. Oreo shouldn’t be trying to make an Oreo that tastes like pumpkin pie, they should be making Oreos that taste like Oreos flavored with pumpkin spice. Eaters should get the best of both worlds, and I truly believe they do with this cookie. Add a glass of milk? HEAVEN.
Good on ya, Oreo. Might be my new favorite Oreo behind the Gingerbread ones.
I wanted to see if these Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos tasted the same as another pumpkin spice concoction I dreamed up – I had always imagined Trader Joe’s pumpkin butter, something I regularly spread on toast, would taste good in an Oreo. Now that Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos existed, I was ready to see first hand.
See, I TOLD YOU these creme inside these Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos was unusually greasy, or shiny… when I twisted the top half of the Oreo off, the inside FELL OUT ONTO THE PLATE. What the. Why didn’t it stick to the Oreo? Or are some questions better unasked?
The Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreo creme looked sort of like a pepperoni, no? Even left behind weird orange streaks on the plate like pepperoni…
I nibbled a bit on the Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreo creme – yep, very sweet, and very frosting-like. I guess when you add the Golden Oreo, the frosting-like elements get muted and the pumpkin spice is able to shine. Good to know. BTW, holding the creme felt weird after a while. I placed it back on the plate.
I dalloped some of the Trader Joes Pumpkin Butter into the Golden Oreo, closed it, and TADA! My own Pumpkin (Butter) Spice Oreo! Darker in color than the normal creme, these smelled pretty good.
I tried my creation…and I must say, I did like the Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos better! My snack hacked version was good, and had plenty of pumpkin spice flavor, and was less-frosting-like, more pumpkin-pie-like, but my combination actually ended up SWEETER than the normal Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos. Why? Because despite the lack of creme, pumpkin butter is akin to jelly – it’s just puree that is LOADED with sugar. So while the consistency worked better for me, the flavor was SUUUGAAARRRYYYY.
I write this all to say when these Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Oreos come out, buy them. Then buy some more. And dip them in milk. Then come back and thank me. Or thank Oreo. Or do a jig, I don’t care. Just let me know what you think.
Have a good Monday, everyone!
PURCHASED AT: mailed to me, but soon to be EVERYWHERE
COST: I’m gonna guess like $2-$4
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 19 Comments
omg.. i have been waiting for these! i hope i can find them.. who knows if my town will ever get them, but if they do, i’m sure they’ll sell out fast.
@Kaitlyn: haha sorry it must feel like all of my recent responses have been behind in time….I’m slowly catching up. GO TRY THESE!
On September 24th, I will be running around at grocery stores like a madwoman looking for these!!! Can’t wait!
@T: I stockpiled a few already
Will you “snack hack” things like dried cuttlefish snacks?
@Kahnye: Why not? But I won’t put them in Oreos.
Something to bring for everyone to snack at work! 😀
@Elisa: Oh they had them, for sure. Loved em
wonder if they will release gingerbread this yr – can only imagine combining the cremes & creating a pumpkin gingerbread oreo!
@Judy: UM, genius. I need to save some for just this purpose.
Update-I had to come back and thank you as you requested. I tried them today and O-M-G. YUM!
Bought them yesterday. Had to control myself not to eat the entire package. Everyone I let have one agreed they were really good. Like you, just behind the Gingerbread ones (which are the best thing ever).
@Mrs. L: I’m embarrased to say I’ve purchased more than four packages of these at this point.
I have been looking everywhere and cannot find – where can I find them??? HELP, limited editition, beating the clock!
@Pumpkin Lover: I’ve seen them (here in DC) at Walmart, Target, Safeway AND Giant…..keep looking!
@ junkfoodguy: Thanks I’ll keep looking but getting so desperate even considering ordering online & paying shipping (which would make a package around $11.00/ea.) which I think is TOTALLY CRAZY but sounds like it may be worth it!
@ junkfoodguy: SUCCESS @ LAST!!! Target came through for me! Bought 6 packages & tried as soon as I got out of the door & savored every bite! I will continue to savor each & every one of these cookies. I must confess I won’t be sharing my pumpkin spice oreo’s as easily as you did.
@Pumpkin Lover – LOL, so glad you found them!