Review: Herr’s Old Bay Cheese Curls & FUTURE NOW! Cheating at Math, Cookie Dunking, and HOVERBOARDS
Junk Food Nation, the future is here! Let’s get right to today’s topics.
Hey, remember when you took Algebra in high school? Remember all those painstaking hours spent trying to finish assignments in pencil, the bottom of your hand blackened with graphite? Trying to net those gold stars to bring your GPA up? #NerdAlert …………..Ah AP Calculus. The last time I was ever cool.
Anyways, all of that is unnecessary because now an app called PhotoMath has MADE THINKING OBSOLETE! YAY:
That’s right, people! You just take a picture of the problem, and the app solves it for you, and even provides each step to solving it so you can copy it and pretend to be smart! After a few generations the human race won’t know how to do anything! Huzzah!
Check out The Dunkin’ Buddy, which is a contraption that lets you dunk cookies into milk without getting your fingers wet. Because, hey, world famine – yeah you deal with that a little longer, third world countries. BUT MILKY WET FINGERTIPS IN AMERICA NOOOOO GET SCIENCE ON THIS NOW NOW NOW.
It’s basically a magnetized little tray that sits inside the cup of milk that you place the cookies in, and then a corresponding magnet outside the glass that holds the tray in place and moves the tray up and down as you slide the outside magnet up and down. It’s so simple, right? The Kickstarter failed, but this item is getting plenty of pub online, plus it gave us this gem of a video:
The way the beginning cookie sequence happens is fantastic – the jamming of the hand into the cookie glass, the pounding of the table. I love it. Other highlights: nice cleavage on the girl, and perfect in-sync reading at the end.
It’s been all over social media with the actual date Marty McFly went into the future approaching (October 21, 2015!), but HOVERBOARDS ARE FRIGGIN HAPPENING:
Sure these prototype hoverboards cost $10,000 and you can only ride it on a pre-established metal surface that also has thousands of dollars worth of magnets contained within it BUT HOVERBOARDS ARE EFFING REAL. THE KICKSTARTER IS HERE. REAL, DAMNIT.
What do you guys think of any of the topics above? let me know in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Herr’s Old Bay Cheese Curls!
Junk Food Nation, if you’re from Maryland, or even from the surrounding area, chances are you’ve heard of, and enjoy, Old Bay. I’ll get to what Old Bay is in a second – but basically, like Frank’s Red Hot for me, you put that sh*t on everything. I’ve known Marylanders to add Old Bay to crabs, crabcakes, fish, Bloody Marys, pineapple, and more. So Herr’s pairing up with Old Bay is a match made in heaven for me. They have Old Bay Potato Chips and Old Bay Popcorn, but I was most excited about these Herr’s Old Bay Cheese Curls.
According to Wiki, Old Bay seasoning mix “includes mustard, paprika, celery salt, bay leaf, black pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, mace, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, cardamom, and ginger.” Don’t get that stuff in your eyes though – IT BURNS.
Herr’s Old Bay Cheese Curls have a crab on the bag. YES.
Herr’s Old Bay Cheese Curls, I Imagine, taste a lot like the Haloti Ngata Cheese Curls we tasted on The Nosh Show. I’m hoping they’ll be better, actually.
When i opened the bag of Herr’s Old Bay Cheese Curls, I could immediately smell the Old Bay. I mean, it was unmistakable. Spicy, seafood-y, pepper-y – it smelled EXACTLY like Old Bay. A little bit of clove smell too. It smelled perfect.
Each of these Herr’s Old Bay Cheese Curls was solidly coated with cheese powder and a healthy sprinkling of Old Bay. I’m not sure if these pics get across how orange these were. COATED.
I popped one into my mouth and chewed – PERFECTION. I mean, wow, Herr’s. You knocked this one of the park.
The cheese curl itself was nice and light, and was not overly stiff – I could easily crush the curl with my tongue against the roof of my mouth. I didn’t feel like I was going to shred the roof of my mouth with sharp corn puff edges. These were a wonderful texture.
The flavor of these Herr’s Old Bay Cheese Curls was SPOT ON. The cheddar cheese powder was nice and cheesy, with plenty of sharpness that perfectly complimented the spice of the Old Bay seasoning. The resultant flavor, combing the cheese and the Old Bay, was super tangy and reminded me of the savory notes I tasted when adding Old Bay to seafood items. The flavor was creamy and sharp at the same time, and was BOLD – there was no underseasoning here. In fact, I’d say the powerful punch of the flavor might be a bit much for some people…but for me, these were ideal.
AWESOME JOB, Herr’s. You highlighted the Old Bay perfectly while not hiding the cheese flavor. LOVE THESE.
PURCHASED AT: Giant, Germantown, MD.
COST: $2.50 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 22 Comments
Does anybody over the age of 8 dunk cookies? I think the person groping around with their entire hand inside the glass trying to retrieve their cookie needs psychiatric help. The drones in the video know that none of us give a crap about cookie dunking so they decided there was only one thing that could save their product…..obvious cleavage.
As for yesterday being the Back to the Future day, yeah, hmm. It doesn’t feel very future-y, does it. I mean, we’re still in a world that sells junk using cleavage.
PS. AP Calculus! ^5. Kids, Teach isn’t gonna let you use your app on the test so forget it.
@indigo – haha “drones.” So spot on. I’m sure they are nice people, but I def chuckled out loud.
“I mean, we’re still in a world that sells junk using cleavage.” LOL – cracking up
Excellent. Will buy next time I see them.
@Lindemann: You need these AND those Yuengling chips
Dunkin Buddy- horrid idea, thank you kickstarter for making the right decision.
There are such a plethora of Old Bay flavored products that they should own the wagon instead of letting others jump on yours. I think I heard that Sriracha is coming out with their own line of products which I think is a great idea on their part.
@MarcP: I wanna see Sriracha cheese curls. Now THOSE would be good
These sound delicious, I love your chip reviews! I wonder if they’re available by me…
PS. Have you tried veggie chips?? Specifically Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Chips. They come in these Pringles-like container. I bought the Sour Cream and Onion kind and they were amazing 🙂 I think they are only available at Walmart tho.
@Yamilet – thanks for reading! Keep commenting – I love comments 🙂
Also, I’ll have to look for those veggie chips! Thanks for the suggestion
do you even remember how to do calc? i took AP calc 1 and 2.. and i got high scores on both tests – but i couldn’t solve an integral to save my life today, lol. good luck to kids cheating on their homework with that app, though, because when it comes to taking the test in class they’re going to be SOL.
@Kaitlyn: I USED to be very good at math, but now, I have no idea what an integral even is. Sigh
I’d rather they find a way to make vegetables taste good; like meat or cheese. As for Old Bay, I grew up eating it from baked fish dinners & thought of it as “that salty orange stuff”. Tho I am intrigued by the Philly Crab Fries with cheese sauce (and these curls that I will probably never find here in the Midwest).
@MP: I’ve had the Philly Crab Fries with Cheese (Chickie’s and Pete’s!) It is legit.
The cookie thing reminds me of the time that “Washington Post” columnist John Kelly put out a call for how to keep instant teabags from sinking in your cup/mug as you drank.
@Elisa – what the
I solve the whole cookie dunking/getting-too-soggy-then-falling-apart by using a bowl! If I eat a lot of cookies, trying to shove my hand into the glass for that last half of milk becomes impossible. I end up using my index and middle finger to hold it and 9 out of 10 times, end up dropping it back in. Cookies are not meant to be eaten with chopstick fingers! So a smallish bowl works, plus can totally drink out of a bowl to finish off the milk.
Could probably also be solved by buying bigger glasses or use one of those giant half bowl/half coffee cups. Beats being caught like Pooh with the hand stuck in the honey pot, except in my case, it’s the glass trying to get my cookie back before complete disintegration.
@Pimousse – I do the tip the glass method. Or I just wait and take a gulp of milk after I take a bite.
For Dunkin Buddy: I think their kickstarter video was horrible, however, it would have done much better if the video was better. People didn’t need the Snuggy, yet some loved it and some hated it. This will do well. They are lucky they thought of this before me. Lol! I’m gonna wait until the reviews are out though. According to them, it should be soon. I hope it works well. My kids already want it.
@Chris: Yes – the main benefit I can see for this is for kids. As an adult, no. But for kids? Makes sense.
That Algebra app would’ve been real handy back in high school. Because when do we really need to use Algebra in every day life?
Kids have it so easy nowadays……
Hello again! It’s nice to see that in this modern world of gadgets and apps, classic Old Bay is a trusty friend! I love this stuff. I lived in Baltimore for 8 years and I was immersed in the stuff. It’s especially delightful for shrimp salad. I love that it’s on Herr’s cheese curls. Now that’s more genius than a math app!
@Dani: Old Bay, trusty friend. That should be its slogan