Review: KaDunks (Tropical Ka-Punch, Berry Ka-Blast), The Nosh Show Ep. 47: 2015 Predictions, What Are Yours?
Junk Food Nation, Happy Monday! Ugh. Hope those up North East are buckling down for the snow. Two weeks ago, the Nosh Show guys and I discussed our favorite snacks and junk foods for 2014. This time around, we decided to predict what we some coming in the year ahead!
But in the comments below, I want to know what YOUR predictions are for 2015. Will we see Oreo-flavored Sun Chips? Will we see gingerbread peanut butter? How about McDonald’s burgers, featuring alligator meat? 2015 was the year of Back to the Future 2, so the future is HERE. Where is my Pepsi Perfect???
Anyways, let me hear down below…what do you think we WILL see, or what do you HOPE we’ll see? And oh yeah, the podcast…
For the uninitiated, The Nosh Show is a podcast started by Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, featuring Ryan from GrubGrade, Dubba from On Second Scoop, and, of course, me, your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy. And today marks the release of The Nosh Show, Episode 47: 2015 Junk Food and Fast Food Predictions:
This week, “In this episode, Cheetos Sweetos, Pizza Hut’s Triple Cheese Covered Stuffed Crust Pizza, a coconut Chips Ahoy cookie, and our 2015 junk food and fast food predictions.” Wanna know what our flavor predictions for 2015 were? Then listen embedded here:
You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS, or, you can also download the episode.
So, every once in a while, JFNation, I get to try some cool stuff before it hits the shelves. And these KaDunks fit right into that category! CANDY FROM THE FUTURE! IT’S HERE!
Looking at the pictures above and below, what this candy is is pretty self-explanatory – it’s gummy candy that you dip into super sour/sweet goo! Like Kraft/Nabisco/Mondelez Handi-Snacks, but with less cheese and cracker, more gummy candy and SOUR GOO!
KaDunks is the latest invention from the candy crusaders at Yolo Candy, and it won the 2014 ECRM Buyer’s Choice award for the “Best New Novelty Product.”
KaDunks is made off a lot of sugar in a lot of different forms. I’m not gonna dwell on this – each container has 31.5 g of chewy candy and 25 g of dipping sauce. Goo. Candy sauce. Whatever you want to call it.
Oh good golly miss molly. When I actually saw the opened package, I realized – this is dipping sugar into sugar.
KaDunks gummy candies comes in a variety of shapes, including the two finger V-for-Victory saltue, some lightning bolts, question marks, etc. The sauce consistency reminded me of really runny jelly, or like candy sauce you might put on ice cream – perfectly viscous with the visible grittiness of sugar or sour crystals.
I went for the Tropical Ka-Punch first:
When I opened the Tropical Ka-Punch KaDunks, I brought the red goo up to my nose to sniff. WHOA – STRONG fruit punch flavor. The Junk Food Gal described it as smelling a Fruit By The Foot, and I agree. This had that over-the-top fruity smell. Ka-POW.
The blue gummies, when I bit one alone, weren’t too sweet. To be sure, they were made of sugar, but they really reminded me of Dots – sort of that neutral gummy that doesn’t have an overwhelming sweetness. They were soft like Swedish Fish, but didn’t have the same flavor at all. Just a basic muted sweetness.
I dipped the blue gummy liberally into the punch goo, and ate it – BAM!!!!! SUGARY SWEETNESS. And plenty of sour – like, REALLY sour. My face puckered a bit as I chewed this. And….I REALLY ENJOYED IT.
In a lot of ways, the way this candy felt and tasted isn’t rocket science – it’s gummy candy that is coated in sour goo. So when I was chewing it, the combo basically tasted like an amped-up Sour Patch Kid – chewy gummy with a BLAST of sour flavor. It didn’t have the sugary crystal thing going on, but the sour goo stuck around and was sticky enough to cling to the candy. This wasn’t a situation where the sourness got swallowed right away and the remaining gummy had to be chewed up and swallowed separately. No, this candy did a good job with the combo.
Flavor-wise, the goo was a really REALLY sugary sweet and sour fruit punch flavor. I mean, the level of sweet and sour reminded me of Extreme Warheads, but with more consistent last power.
Berry Ka-Blast KaDunks had a blue goo that had a strong smell of blue raspberry. It reminded me instantly of the flavor of those blue raspberry Blow-Pops – strong sugary smell with a distinct sour raspberry aroma.
Like the other flavor, the gummy was standard – Swedish fish texture, but basic Dots-like flavor. These red ones also reminded me of Red Vines – that not-really-sweet chewy confection feel. But dipped into the blue raspberry goo, the gummy definitely took on the flavor of the goo.
The sour sauce held strong throughout the chew, and was full of SOUR blue raspberry flavor. WOW – powerful stuff. I actually liked this flavor better than the Tropical Ka-Dunks, although both honestly fulfilled my childhood dreams over and over. The Berry Ka-Blast had a more distinct berry taste, rather than the standard fruit punch flavor. I dunno – I’m really nitpicking here.
Overall, the fun factor for both was high. I didn’t think I’d like these as much as I did. If I had this as a kid, I’d be drinking that sauce and BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS.
KaDunks – talk about taking direct sugar consumption to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.
PURCHASED AT: Sent to me
COST: Unsure…I actually don’t have a ton of info. But visit the website here…hopefully they’ll be around nationwide soon.
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 24 Comments
I think (or hope) that with the addition of Hershey’s and Reese’s spreads, they also intoduce Oreo and Chips Ahoy! Cookie Butters. I know Trader Joe’s has the Cookies and Cream one, but the nearest TJ’s is 20 miles away.
Yes!!! That would be awesome. They should do Nutter Butter, too. Nutter Butter BUTTER! I’d like to see more candy-based spreads as well. Doesn’t a Butterfinger spread sound fantastic?!
If you live near a Kroger, they have both a Cookies and Cream and a Chocolate Chip Cookie Spread, as well as a Coconut Macaroon spread. Awesome!
@Sascha Just wondering if you have tried any of the Kroger cookie butters what you thought of them? I have seen them at my local Kroger but don’t know if I should make the purchase.
WOW! That looks so much fun perfect for long boring lectures in college. I think that the expansion of yogurt will skyrocket a lot and fun ice cream flavors will expand. I’m hoping for more “comebacks” of the 90’s foods. Dunkaroos should come back.
i’m not much of a candy person, but i bet my niece and nephew would LOVE these! my sister probably would not love me giving these to them, however.. haha!
@Kaitlyn: My cousin once gave his tiny kids a half cup of ice cream and they were BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS. These…these would rocket them through the roof.
First, I hope they revive the best snack food of the nineties, HOOPLAS! I am a huge fan of the captain crunch sprinkle donut. I would like to see Dunkin donuts make a cereal using their munchkins as inspiration!
Dunkaroos should DEFINITELY come back! And more of those Velveeta cheese/cracker combos with the wee small plastic spreader.
Do you have any plans on attending one of those new/fancy food shows again this year?
@Kate: I’ll likely be at the Summer Fancy Food Show!
My local Wal-Mart still sells Dunkaroos, but I’m not sure where they get them as they seem to only for sale from Canada on the internet and I live in Illinois. Amazon sells some from Canada if you’re willing to pay a premium.
Prediction: Red velvet triscuits and banana Doritos.
Can’t wait to get pounded by freaking feet of snow. Ugh.
@MarcP: I like the idea of sweet Doritos!
I remember all the snow from my college days in northern MA! It wasn’t easy walking around campus but it was fun to play and toss snowballs.
Gingerbread Peanut Butter? How 2012.
Savory yogurt has hit, isn’t it time for savory Oreos? Butternut Squash Oreos? Yam Oreos? Green. Bean. Oreos. A serving of vegetables in every cookie serving? Pizza Oreos?
I think more Reese’sing (that’s a word right? it is now) of things would be a good thing. Reese’s milk. Reese’s chips. Reese’s McDonald’s Dipping Sauce. KFC Double Down Reese’s. Reese’s K Cups. Single Serve Bananas with Reese’s Dipping Sauce in giant, over the top plastic packaging. You know Papa Johns wants to do a Reese’s Pizza. Reese’s Dipped Wheat Thins. Uncle Ben’s Reese’s Rice. Jolly Green Giant Reese’s Coated Broccoli Florets Steampacks.
@Dana: I should have known re: Gingerbread PB
And I like the idea of Reese’s milk.
I invented a new candy called 4squared! I haven’t tested the recipe yet but I have all the ideas and when I make the candy I hope it becomes so popular that you may review it because that would be very cool . It’s going to be a gummi candy that is sectioned Anyways thanks and peace .
@Jes: Hey, when you get it made, SEND IT OVER 🙂
Kadunks look way too sugary and messy! Junk and gunk, no thanks!
This Kadunkss product is terrible. Sugar gummies dipped into goopy sugar syrup that makes a mess and doesn’t taste right. I threw it away. Bad for kids teeth. I prefer my standard candies. Tried this one and it failed. Would not try it again.
I find it disgusting that this is Made In China. Why? The same with Push Pops and some Warheads, why do they have to make it in China? Waiting for food from China to be banned.
There is a third flavor of these now: Green Apple Ka-Pow. The dippers on this one are two toned green and red and the sauce is green