Review: Turkey Hill All Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter Gelato, Previewing Other TH Gelatos, & What Would You Print On YOUR Toast?
JUNK FOOD NATION, IT’S FRIDAY. Woo. Took you long enough, Friday. Let’s get to my question of the day/weekend: What Would You Print On YOUR Toast?
Check it out! As reported on….TOASTER SELFIES!
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Plus, who IS that guy? Hopefully it’s the founder of the company.
For more details and pictures as to how the process works, read it over on FoodBeast. But basically, this only works with a custom made toaster and custom made plates that fit into custom made rails inside the custom made toaster. So…yeah. Plus it costs almost 70 bucks. BUT STILL.
IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES! Each day, you could wake up to the Boston Celtics logo toasted onto your bread! Or the JFG Logo! Or Kate Upton’s rack! I’d eat that.
It’s clearly useless, but I can see many other possibilities. You toast up the bread with the photo of your loved one, and then make french toast out of it, serving it in bed for the upcoming Valentine’s Day. Or maybe you embarrass the hell out of your kid by putting a picture of him with a finger up his nose on all of his sandwiches in his packed lunch. I AM LOVING THIS.
Tell me, JFNation, in the comments below – if you had this, what would YOU toast onto YOUR bread? And am I the ONLY one who thinks that, price aside, this is SUPER FUN?
Followers of this blog already know I have a close relationship with Turkey Hill. Plus, I love gelato – Talenti is one of my favorite companies. So I was VERY VERY excited when I heard that in 2015, Turkey Hill would finally get into the gelato game with eight All Natural Gelato flavors. And then I went to Wegmans and I found them!!
Chocolate Peanut Butter, Purely Vanilla…
…Sea Salted Caramel, Chocolate Chocolate Chip…
…Mint Chocolate Chip…
…Coffee Chip…
…and Peach Mango (OOOOO!) Yes, I did just squeal.
So what’s the deal with these gelatos? According to Turkey Hill’s blog, “The Italian-born treat is very similar to ice cream, but it has a denser consistency and, some say, a richer taste than ice cream. The main difference between Turkey Hill’s ice cream and our new All Natural Gelato (and the difference that gives gelato its dense texture) is the way it’s made. Gelato is churned at slower speed than ice cream, which means less air in the finished product.”
So there you go – I’m looking for that same great Turkey Hill milky flavor, but in a more dense fashion. These flavors all look great, but I didn’t buy them all, much as I wanted to – No, I’ll leave reviewing of the entire lot to someone like OnSecondScoop. I just wanted to grab adn review one to see how Turkey Hill did with their first foray into the world of gelato! I let the Junk Food Gal pick the flavor, so of course she chose…
…Turkey Hill All Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter Gelato! Good choice, JFGal. Good choice.
Let’s dig deeper into this Turkey Hill All Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter Gelato…
Turkey Hill All Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter Gelato came in a smaller, 1 quart circular tub. Like a fat Ben & Jerry’s / Haagen-Daz tub. One quart is still a LOT of ice cream, but I like the different look.
This Turkey Hill All Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter Gelato, like the Turkey Hill All-Natural line, only has a few ingredients: Milk, cream, sugar, cocoa, and creamy peanut butter. I give a big thumbs up to fewer ingredients.
One thing to note – this Turkey Hill All Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter Gelato doesn’t contain any gums – which isn’t a good or bad thing, necessarily. But because of that, I expect it not to have an easy-to-dig-into texture right out of the gate. Might have to let this gelato sit for a tiny bit.
I opened up this Turkey Hill All Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter Gelato and sniffed – simple cocoa aroma. As you can see, I dragged my spoon across the lower lip to get the texture. I was right – a bit stiff. Needed some time at room temperature to soften. But that’s not a bad thing – it’s stiff because it’s more dense, which means it was crafted correctly.
When I finally did dig my spoon deep into the Turkey Hill All Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter Gelato, I was IMMEDIATELY able to turn up huge thick ribbons of peanut butter. Plainly visible, and I didn’t have to go too far down – it was right below the surface. The peanut butter was not viscous – again not a bad thing – mainly because there wasn’t a ton of oil in the peanut butter. It froze just like the gelato.
Placing the spoonful of Turkey Hill All Natural Chocolate Peanut Butter Gelato, I was pretty pleased. When I looked at the flavor lineup and the description, I knew I wasn’t really going to be tasting anything NEW. These gelatos were just going to be about EXECUTION. Could TH pull this off?
Now, I’m no ice cream expert, but I’ve read about BAD gelatos, so I know what to look for: consistent texture. Strong flavor. Pretty much what you’re looking for in any ice cream.
My verdict: YES. Texture wise, I thought this was great. It wasn’t rubbery or too springy. Once the tub thawed a bit, my spoon slid right in and cut through the gelato and gave me solid scoops. Each bite I placed in my mouth WAS dense, and as it melted provided a nice coating to my tongue. I could tell the texture was different because it felt a bit more thick when I bit through a gelato chunk I placed in my mouth. Just slightly thicker.
Flavor? Simple, but well executed. The cocoa flavor of the chocolate ice cream was standard but present – it didn’t taste like a weak chocolate flavor, nor did the creaminess of the gelato get lost in TOO much chocolate flavor. It tasted like a nice, standard creamy sweet chocolate flavor. The star here, to me, was the peanut butter. It was SALTY – and I LOVED it. The peanut butter ribbon melted nicely once my teeth or tongue hit it, mixing it with the chocolate gelato perfectly. And it was nice and salty – it helped cut through the chocolate flavor and give a good mix of salty sweet chocolate peanut butter flavor. This was NOT candy-like Reese’s flavor. This was the more common chocolate peanut flavor you might find everywhere else in food, like pies or cakes.
All in all, I liked this flavor a LOT. I like Turkey Hill’s All-Natural Ice Cream line the best generally, so I’m not sure if there is ENOUGH difference for me to always select the gelato over the ice cream. But if you like gelato, I think you’ll enjoy this – I think TH executed well here.
As always, hats tip to you, TH.
PURCHASED AT: Wegmans, Germnatown, MD
COST: $4.49
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 17 Comments
I wonder if it is exchangeable with different templates. It is ideal for a marriage proposal first morning; “Will u marry me?” then a couple photo next time for toast then romantic hearts then following by the wedding day date then married.
This is what I thought too.
But as neat as it sounds, who proposes at breakfast. And I am still against cohabilitation, so I can’t imagine a morning thing working out.
I can’t remember the last time I actually toasted BREAD (bagels or pastries…but not bread) so I’d find this useless. BUT I could see where perhaps a restaurant might use it for a little personal branding.
I got regular Turkey Hill chocolate peanut butter ice cream with the coupon you sent and it was just amazing. The chocolate had a light flavor, almost with a hint of malt, and the peanut butter was more dense. I could have eaten the entire container standing in front of the grocery bag I’d just taken it out of if my BF hadn’t been right there judging me.
Funny…I used my coupon on chocolate peanut butter ice cream too! Very good…can’t wait to find this product. I’m also very excited about the new Edy’s custards. I wonder if it will be as good as the custard place I visit at the beach every summer…hmmmm…
I just want a toaster that’s cheap, toasts & doesn’t have all these fancy knobs & computers attached to them.
How does the texture compare to Taleni/Hagen-Dazs gelatos? The hardness you described kind of scares me. For me personally, half the appeal of gelato (or at least those brands) is that it’s a lot softer than ice cream and is basically already half melted
My friend’s favorite food is an open faced sandwich with a bunch of salami on top and some mustard drizzled on it. He absolutely HATES plain toast, though. The next time he pisses me off, I’m going to print a picture of mustard and salami on a piece of plain toast and give it to him as a gift. I hope he vomits
My toast would be printed with a wad of butter. Or the NYY emblem. All kidding aside, would love one of those.
Ice cream is brutal to even fathom with this freaking ice cold weather in the Northeast.
Picture of a bagel?
Turkey Hill to the food world: “Are you not entertained?!”
I just went out and bouht my first Turkey Hill gelato-vanilla. It is possibly the worst food item I ever purchased. The texture was grainy. It had absolutely no taste. It wasnt dense, creamy or oh so delicious. It is a disgrace to ice cream and gelato. What really has me angry is that it is too slippery on the roads out here now for me to go out and get something good to replace it. Thanks for ruining my meal Turkey Hill.
The worst in my opinion. I purchased the sea salt caramel compared to Talenti and Breyers indulgences it doesn’t compare. I guess because it is all natural. I was highly disappointed in fact I thought it was freezer burnt at first and debated returning it. Instead I used my ripening bananas and this terrible Gelato to make shakes. atleast it was good for something
@Nessa: I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it 🙁 I tried the Sea Salt – I too like Talenti the best. I liked the TH one better than the Breyers indulgence however.
The poorest quality gelato that I have ever tasted. Not smooth, not rich, actually I have tasted ice cream that was over and above the quality of the so-called all-natural product. You might consider renaming it “Organic” . Very inferior product for the value snd taste.
We bought mint chocolate chip and we are so disappointed. It tasted like cheap ice milk, nicely sweet and minty but texture was gritty and not creamy at all. We thought maybe let it soften some and it basically seemed to turn into watered down milk. Maybe we have a defective batch? It just does not at all seem to be a gelato.
Calling this consumer fraud “gelato” is like calling Hillary Clinton healthy. Real gelato is super-dense and flavorful. Turkey Hill’s “Brownie Fudge” version, at least, is merely a marginal improvement over their standard fare. I suspect that there is no government standard for gelato, so T.H. can get away with the deception.