Review: New Toffee-tastic Girl Scout Cookies & Wild White Nacho Doritos = White Whale, Costco = Ahab
Junk Food Nation, Happy Friday! Well, it would’ve been a Happy Friday if I hadn’t spent 2 HOURS waiting for the subway this morning. Yes, you heard me right, JFNation. TWO EFFING HOURS. What. The. Sh*t. Train after train of packed cars whizzed by as the Metro system tried (slowly) to re-correct passenger distribution after a malfunctioning train went down. One guy got so mad that he couldn’t get on the train he pounded the outside of one of the cars with his hand. The sound reverberated through the station as people (me and the JFGal) backed away. Crazy MF-er.
Anywho, quick story. Since starting this blog, there have been a few times when I’ve discussed junk foods that don’t exist anymore that I miss. Festivus ice cream, Hooplas – gone forever. One snack in particular was my white whale, a snack I remember loving and being disappointed it was gone: Wild White Nacho Doritos. These were a snack that was part of a 2006-2007 Doritos promotion where it went head to head with another flavor, Smokin’ BBQ Cheddar, and fans voted for which flavor they wanted to stay. Wild White Nacho lost. BOO.
The promotion, BTW, was called FIGHT FOR THE FLAVOR. TWO NEW FLAVORS. ONE SURVIVES. So dramatic, Doritos. This ain’t judgment day. Calm down.
Of course, this was way before this blog started and I didn’t realize that a contest was occurring. All I knew is that this flavor was here one day, gone the next. It was the first time I actually called around to grocery stores looking for this flavor. A Bloom grocery store in Rockville, MD told they had it… I drove out there and it wasn’t in stock. LIES. Incidentally, that store doesn’t exist now. YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED, LIARS.
Anyways why do I mention this? Because last night I got a tweet that Wild White Nacho is BACK. AT COSTCO. IN 30 OZ BAGS. GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY.
HOLY S. After scouring Twitter, I found out this was true, NOT A HOAX. I can’t explain how I feel – it’s like finding a favorite sweater you thought you lost as a child. Or maybe reconnecting with a lion you released into the wild years ago. COME HERE, SIMBA.
Of course, when I looked back on reviews others had written about the Wild White Nacho Doritos, apparently people were MEH on them. Most people said they tasted just like regular Doritos, just not-orange powder. WHA WHA WHAAA???? So I’m conflicted – what if I get these chips, try them, and find out that my memory was wrong? What if they’re not that good??? Well, whatever. I NEED TO FIND THESE. I will be on an epic-Costco-mission this weekend, I kid you not.
Today’s comment question is simple: 1) Are you as excited as me that these are back? 2) If you happen to find these in a Costco, where in the US are you? (Let’s triangulate these chips), and 3) If you voted for Smokin’ BBQ Cheddar back in the day, WHYYYYYYYYYYYY. Tell me in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: New Toffee-tastic Girl Scout Cookies!!
Back in Episode 46 of the Nosh Show, we discussed the three new flavors of Girl Scout Cookies this year: Trios, Toffee-tastic, and Rah-Rah-Raisin. The Nosh Show brethren and I agreed – we wanted to try the Trios (chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookies) and the Toffee-tastic ookies, pictured above. They are both new gluten-free varieties, which was an interesting addition to the line.
Of course, when I talked to my local Girl Scout Cookie drug dealer, she informed me that the Trios were not available in my region. NOT AVAILABLE IN THE ENTIRE REGION???? WTF GIRL SCOUTS. Apparently the East Coast factory doesn’t make them? Not sure if this is true. But whatever – I was only able to get my hands on these New Toffee-tastic Girl Scout Cookies.
New Toffee-tastic Girl Scout Cookies are “Rich, buttery cookies with sweet crunchy toffee bits.” MMMMMM. That sounds good. I’ve been on a big toffee kick at Starbucks lately, so I say gimme more in all of my foods.
Wait…..EACH New Toffee-tastic Girl Scout Cookies is 70 calories??? So as much as a single Oreo…hooooooo-kay.
New Toffee-tastic Girl Scout Cookies are gluten free and contain rice flour, tapioca starch, brown rice flour, palm oil…all things for those who can’t eat wheat. I don’t mind gluten free things, so none of these ingredients alarmed me. The key, obviously, will be texture – could they execute these well?
So, each box of New Toffee-tastic Girl Scout Cookies comes with only ONE SLEEVE OF COOKIES. THAT’S sort of BS. Each cookie was about 1/4-inch thick, and there were 14 to a sleeve…but still! THIS BOX WAS FIVE DOLLARS, PEOPLE. I want more than 14 cookies for five bucks. These cookies better be DAMN GOOD.
So, were they? Were these New Toffee-tastic Girl Scout Cookies damn good?
My review: Well…….they were pretty good. The flavor of the cookies was SUPER BUTTERY, so if you like Trefoils or Walker’s Shortbread, you’ll like these. The buttery cookie was flavorful and dense. The cookie itself, with all of the rice flours, was nice and crunchy – the non-wheat ingredients did, however, make the cookie crumble a little more than a normal wheat-flour cookie, and so the texture in my mouth was a bit gritty. I didn’t mind it, but basically this didn’t chew into a wad of dough like a bunch of saltines would – it just sort of came apart in a more gritty style.
But back to the flavor – super buttery cookie, with a good amount of sweetness. The toffee bits were decent in volume – not too few, and a decent balance throughout the cookie. The bits were a littkle sticky and I could feel them *almost* sticking to my teeth when I chewed, but the gritty cookie kept that from happening. The smell of the cookies was of a mild butterscotch, and the overall combination flavor of the combined butter cookie and toffee bits was sort of butterscotch-y too – pockets of flavor here and there as I chewed.
Overall? A good simple cookie, for sure. Didn’t change my life, and won’t replace Thin Mints or Samoas for me, but as a gluten free addition to the Girl Scout Cookie line, I give it a thumbs up.
PURCHASED AT: my cookie drug dealer
COST: $5
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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I’ve finally decided not to waste my money on Girl Scout Cookies anymore. These are just a GF version of the Toffee Sandies, and since LBB also makes a lot of the cookies for Keebler, I will be saving my money and buying Peanut Butter Patties and Grasshoppers instead. No box of cookies is worth $5. They’re nothing special.
*puts away stock of Red Velvet Oreos…*
@Jessica: Grasshoppers??? #THINMINTS
I think Girl Scout Cookies are becoming overrated. There are many cheaper alternatives out there. For $5 1 sleeve of cookies seriously?! That is too expensive.
You do realize that these are meant to be fund raisers?? That’s why they cost so much. After you factor in manufacturing, distribution, admin costs, etc…the Troop needs to make some money.
@ibagoalie: Oh, I get it – which is why I still bought them 🙂 Just griping
Yeah these little brats who set up shop at Walgreen’s demanding you buy their cookies, if they even do that anymore. Heard on the Nosh show they sell cookies online now. They’re getting smaller, too. So not worth it. Every region hires a local factory to produce which cookies they feel like selling. 35.7¢ a cookie is a total rip-off.
Btw, I recently made my own Thin Mints (put the mint extract in the melted chocolate instead of the batter) and they came out way better than the crummy waxy box version.
The whole gluten-free thing is so overdone. Of course there are those who have a gluten intolerance, but otherwise to say gluten-free is healthier is a bit of a stretch. I have actually seen CARROTS labeled as gluten-free. Duh. Just a gimmick for 90% of the population.
As for the price, it doesn’t surprise me to see such a small portion for $5. Non-wheat flours like rice, almond, coconut, etc. are crazy expensive!
@Jeni: HMmmmmmmmmmmmmm good point re rice/almond/coconut flour costs
Got suckered outside a Target store into their lemon cookies. They were new to me and straight solid.
Like finding an old sweater? JFG. Really???
@MarcP: You’re doing a “REALLY” bit? 🙂
I really am. Guilty as charged.
@Marc P: Just checking 🙂
Wow 30 ounces of doritos at costco. Can feed a party of 10
Nah man/gal, 30 oz of Doritos is the perfect size for a post-drinking binge fest. #HANGOVER PREVENTION.
Happy valentine’s weekend! You forgotten to mention it on the blog. Enjoy the weekend and a long one!
Have you tried the firecracker bar from Trader Joe’s. It amazing and only $1.99!! Delicious. Dark chocolate with little sea salt, kick of spices in the back warms up, and the fun factor of popping candy. It like Chauo chocolate but cheaper. I assume that Trader Joes was able to secure a deal with Chauo to sell the bars
I found these today at our Costco near Washington dc ????
Well, here’s your chance to stock up on these Doritos! 🙂
Two of my co-workers came to work later because of the mess on the Metro this morning.
You knew they were going to stink when it said “gluten-free.” Cookies need gluten to be good.
I am going to try the Rah-Rah-Raisin and will report back with my findings.
@Lindemann: Rah Rah Raisin ………hmm definitely report back
5 dollars? The last few years the GSC here have been 4 dollars a box. If it’s now 5 dollars I will not buy anymore GSC. Everything is going up.. Screw you! GSC, and i’m being G-rated here. I will be buying the keebler cookies since they’re cheaper and I can get them for 2 dollars when on sale. The grasshoppers are similar to thin mints and the coconut dreams are like the samoas.
The Girl Scouts increased the amount of money each troupe gets from each box of cookies. It’s now a whopping $.95. So for each box of $5 cookies you buy the troupe doesn’t even get a full $1. Just give money to the local troupe and buy better and cheaper cookies.
@Bunny Larue – …hmmmm, that actually sounds like a plan!
NEED Wild White Nacho Doritos!! At least 30 oz.! There are no Costco’s in NH though…
WHY?!?! >:(
It is a fundraiser for the girls, after all. Another option is to donate directly to the troop by just giving them the $5 or write a check (100% tax deductible, if you don’t take any product in exchange). The girls only get about 75 cents per box sold; the rest pays for the manufacturing and distribution.
As a Girl Scout mom and leader (who isn’t gluten-free, but polished off a box of Toffee-Tastic just now, anyway), I was curious what customers thought of the cookie. I’ve been hearing much of the same things – regarding grit, etc. And I agree, although I don’t mind the grit at all.
Please keep in mind that, yes, the cookies are expensive but the girls are generally making less than 70 cents per box. My troop made 62 cents per box. 25% of the cost goes to the baker for the cost of the cookies and the prizes the girls get. The rest goes to the local council to be used for camps, programs, etc. Many girls are only going camping because their troop leaders take them or because they’ve earned camping by selling cookies.
The cookies are expensive, yes, but I would argue the cost of not buying them is more. At least by buying the cookies, you’re primarily investing in children rather than lining the pockets of a CEO. 🙂
@Elle Gee: Great points, but need clarification. Are you saying that donating directly to a troop (skipping the boxes) is NOT a good avenue?
Today I tried Rah Rah Raisens and Toffe tactic with my gs troop. To our surprise, Rah Rah Raisens were MUCH better the Toffe tastic. They were delishish oatmeal cookies!! The Toffee tastic, however, were buttery, expensive, and barely had any toffee.
@Person: HMMMMMMMM I may have to try them
Those Doritos are currently in a Costco near me – Sandy, Utah. Also, the Girl Scout cookies are a fundraiser and although a troop gets only 10% of the cost to you, another 5% goes to their local community (like a county if the troop is a town) and the rest to the council (in our case, the state of Utah). All but 99 cents is bonus for the organization, and it allows the organization to subsidize camps to the extent that girls are asked to pay less than half the actual cost of camp. This is all so that Girl Scouts can succeed in their mission of building girls of “courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.” I’m a total cheapskate, but I feel that’s worth a few $4 boxes of cookies once a year (only the toffee ones are $5, the rest are $4). The girls who sold to me last weekend are raising money to help kids who can’t afford school supplies. Totally worth it to see young people learn to care for their world.
totally agree that GS cookies are over priced for what they are – cookies.
Until my daughter became a girl scout I just thought it was a fundraiser. now that she is one, I learned that selling cookies is a way for girls to be empowered — troops raise money for things that they need or want, do goal setting, the girls learn how to be assertive (some of these little girls lack the confidence to speak or answer questions from someone they don’t know), how to handle money (learning how much 3 boxes are or what the correct change is), be responsible meeting cookie selling deadlines, handle rejection, etc.
since GS cookies are sold only once a year, you can buy the cheaper cookies the other 11 months of the year and once a year support girls who are learning new skills and making a difference somewhere.
and to clarify, each GS region must sell certain GS cookie flavors like thin mints and then the regions can contract what other flavors to sell based on their region’s preference. so you will see diverse offerings through out the country. The toffee and raisin cookies are trials so the cost is up as they aren’t making as many as the other flavors that sell better. a few years ago, there was a cranberry cookie that was introduced but that got replaced with the raisin one here in LA.
while gluten-free is not a big deal to some folks, for a kid that can’t eat anything at a birthday party except the carrot stick, the ability to sell and eat a cookie you can eat is huge.
and I will have to check out the Costco for white Doritos asap – yum –
I buy girl scout cookies for the same reason I purchase any item for a kid’s fundraiser. Because kids are doing it. But I will never order toffee tastic cookies again. Mine were like eating sand flavored with a little sugar and tiny rocks. Some of their cookies are really good. This ain’t one of ’em – lol.