Review: Limited Time Cheetos Sweetos, The Nosh Show Ep.49: Snacknado, & What’s the Best Movie of the 2000s?
Junk Food Nation, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I stayed up WAAAY too late watching the Oscars…weren’t they supposed to end at like 11:30? It was past midnight when Birdman swept the last three categories. C’mon now ABC. You think we didn’t see how all the presenters started talking faster and faster?
As usual, Twitter was ablaze last night with snide comments. This was, by far, the tweet of the night:
After Birdman won, I got to thinking: what if all the past winners from the 2000s had to duel it out, Quarter Quell style? Which movie would win best movie of the 2000s? Consider the list:
2000: Gladiator
2001: A Beautiful Mind
2002: Chicago
2003: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2004: Million Dollar Baby
2005: Crash
2006: The Departed
2007: No Country for Old Men
2008: Slumdog Millionaire
2009: The Hurt Locker
2010: The King’s Speech
2011: The Artist
2012: Argo
2013: 12 Years a Slave
2014: Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
In fairness, I’ve only seen seven of these 15 movies – I’m really behind – but I’m curious what YOU think, Junk Food Nation? Which of these movies is, so far, the best movie of the 2000s? And why? I’m partial to Gladiator and the Departed, myself, but that’s only because OOOO FIGHTING AND BLOOD! DOUBLE CROSS! WHERE’S THE HOT CHICKS?? I am not a movie aficionado. But you may be – so tell me your opinion in the comments below.
For the uninitiated, The Nosh Show is a podcast started by Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, featuring Ryan from GrubGrade, Dubba from On Second Scoop, and, of course, me, your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy. And today marks the release of The Nosh Show, Episode 49: Snacknado:
This week, we “we talk about Little Caesars’ Bacon Wrapped Crust Deep Dish Pizza, Taco Bell’s Sriracha Quesarito, Ben & Jerry’s The Tonight Dough Ice Cream, and Baskin-Robbin’s Snacknado. We also share our opinions about the new Girl Scout cookies and the latest Häagen-Dazs and Edy’s flavors.” You can listen embedded here:
You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS, or, you can also download the episode.
TODAY’S JUNK FOOD: Limited Time Cheetos Sweetos!!
Limited Time Cheetos Sweetos were discussed on the Nosh Show back in Episode 47, and I was a full on NOSH back then. I finally found them at a local grocery store, and I got word from my Doctor Sis that they were also in a nearby Harris Teeter. THESE ARE EVERYWHERE NOW, apparently. But no TV commercials? Weird.
Limited Time Cheetos Sweetos are cinnamon sugar puffs, and represents Cheetos first foray into the sweet category. Some people’s first reaction to these might be “BLEH, Sweet Cheetos???” Hear me out – you eat Corn Pops, right? Well that’s a corn popped cereal with sugar on it. Or, you’ve eaten sweet popcorn, right? Popped corn with sweetener… I don’t see this as any different. Corn puffs, covered with cinnamon and sugar – I expect these to mimic bite size churros, or maybe those old Taco Bell CinnaTwists.
Limited Time Cheetos Sweetos are released with Easter in mind, clearly, hence the circular “egg” shape of the puffs themselves. Nice bunny ears, Chester.
Jumping? Bunny rabbits? Easter? ….I feel like you could’ve worked the pun a little better, Limited Time Cheetos Sweetos. Something like…Hop on board with the great taste…er…no that’s also lame.
Limited Time Cheetos Sweetos contain a bit of buttermilk, which I like – it’ll add a tiny bit of creaminess, I think, which is nice.
I opened up this bag of Limited Time Cheetos Sweetos and noticed IMMEDIATELY the strong smell of cinnamon and sugar. BUTTERY smell too – it reminded me a LOT of when I was a kid and used to make cinnamon toast but sprinkling cinnamon/sugar onto a buttered piece of hot toast. The butter would melt soaking into the toast and the cinnamon/sugar would adhere perfectlyOMG I AM SO HUNGRY NOW.
Anyways, these smelled VERY sweet and buttery from the get-go. I popped one in my mouth and WOW. These were really. really. REALLY tasty. These worked, people. THESE WORKED.
Like normal Cheetos Puffs, these Limited Time Cheetos Sweetos had a very SOFT crunch. These puffs were light and airy and crunched/dissolved nicely on the teeth and tongue. While they still had a nice crunch, these puffs sort of melted away in my mouth as I chewed. I could crush them against the roof of my mouth without much damage – these weren’t hard puffs like some companies make where they are sharp and rip up your mouth insides. These were soft soft puffs.
Add on top of that an amazing flavor – perfectly sweet with cinnamon and sugar, but surprisingly not cloying. The aroma of the puffs was sweet, but the flavor wasn’t over the top – the flavor of the corn puff helped balance out the cinnasugar, and the resultant flavor was nice and balanced. It was a weird sensation at first – the flavor of the corn puff was distinct and Cheeto-like, but the cinnamon and sugar blended nicely with it. Not quite churro-like – these weren’t donuts – but still delicious nonetheless.
Honestly, the thing that helped the most was the small buttery flavor these had. It helped tie the corn puff and the sweet flavor together, and the closest overall flavor I got was cinnamon popcorn. The buttery flavor also made these taste NOT DRY, oddly – corn puffs sometimes have a tendency to feel like you’re eating sawdust. I never got that with these.
In short, AWESOME. I loved these.
PURCHASED AT: Safeway, Waterfront Metro, DC
COST: $1.67 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 22 Comments
Tor bringing this product to my attention. Wow, I think it is a great idea and I am stoked to give it try.
I like to add sweet/savory combos to cereal mixes so I think this will be dynamite with either vanilla chex or french toast crunch.
love me some cinnamon and sugar! I still have a bag of smartfood popcorn (that I think was only for the holidays?)
I wonder why Sweetos has the easter tie in…. I keep thinking they are for the teen, who grew out of the easter basket. lol
Try this with a bowl of milk, JFG 😛
I’m a perfect 0-for-15 on seeing these movies – yes! Would it shock you that I have completely given up on movies? Haven’t been in a theater since ’01, haven’t rented one since ’03. No? Just as well, there’s no video stores left.
Also, why the F can’t they bring back Cheetos Paws / Checkers / X’s & O’s? Those were the best. Cheddar flavor, much more dense than Puffs. Sometimes I’d find little orange nuggets of cheese powder at the bottom. Bliss. Ah, the 1990s.
well, they’re not everywhere.. they’re not here! 🙁 i’ve wanted to try these since i heard about them. i really hope they show up in my area soon!
I love cinnamon & Sugar with corn flavor, so will have to see if I can find these.
I’ve also only seen seven from the list. Of the seven I’ve seen , I’d probably pic LOTR:ROTK as the top, followed by A Beautiful Mind and The Artist. Crash would be at the bottom.
@Michelle – Return of the King at the top, huh? Even though the movie had like seven endings? 😛
@JFG: Yeah, I know, but I love the LOTR universe, so let it slide. Plus, they had holdover bonus points for leaving out Tom Bombadil in the first movie. 😉
I’m not a big fan of the texture of puffed corn snacks, but I love cinnamon-sugar stuff. Hmm…I may have to give these Sweetos a try out of curiosity. As for the Oscar-nominated movies, I’ve only seen A Beautiful Mind (pretty good), Chicago (meh), part of Crash ( I caught half of it on TV and wasn’t super impressed) and The Artist (good, but still overrated). I guess I watch the Academy Awards more for the fun of the show itself. 🙂
@Heather: I think Crash is hard to get in the flow with commercial breaks.
For the next sweetos flavor how about chocolate? They could make it into churro shapes.
Pure genius Jill. Great thought.
I was stoked for this when I saw them first announced. I bought myself a bag over the weekend and I totally love them. At first, you are thinking cheese puffs because it is what your brain is programmed when you eat cheeto puffs, but that sweet cinnamon taste is done perfect. You pretty much nailed the high notes on why I really like these.
I was just thinking–I wonder how the Sweetos would taste if you put them in the microwave for just a few seconds. I may have to try that experiment.
reply @Michele Tom Bombadil was awesome, LOVED his part in the story, how can you say such a thing!?!
Birdman was my favorite of this year’s best picture nominees that I’d seen. Gladiator and Chicago were two of my biggest best picture disappointments. Most people point to 1999’s Shakespeare in Love as an embarrassingly bad best picture, but I didn’t mind it.
As for the Sweetos… I’m definitely more interested in Combos going sweet. I can’t get too worked up about yet another puffed corn snack. If the concept makes it past Easter, I hope it takes on the traditional Cheetos shape.
I am surprised these are any good. Will have to try.
Just bought a bag today based on this review…SPOT ON! These are wonderful! It would be hard not to eat the whole bag. Buy ’em people, you won’t be disappointed.
@Elizabeth: I’ve rebought three times already. Dangerous!
I saw these in the chips aisle of CVS today. They were next to the flaming hot Cheetos, Flaming Hot Chesters, and jalapeno Cheetos. I thought about picking up a bag of those sweetos but didn’t want to take the risk. I’ll make sure to grab then next time.
hey Eric! i know its late and everything but i just wanna u to know that i saw ur review and went out bought one of those and IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alright so the first bit I was like eeh this thing’s okay but the more i ate the more i was like OMG SO GOOD OMFG SO F**K GOOD ahaha the way they melt in ur mouth and filled it up with creamy cinnamon taste wowowowo i admit iv never have snack quite like this before and im addict ot it. now im down my fifth bag still i cant stop eating them lol ahhhh im so proud of myself. 🙂
one of your many loyal readers
Eric u rock! thank u for this awesome junk food recommendation
@Sophie: So glad my recommendation was a good one! Keep reading and spreading the word, and thanks!