Review: AirHeads Xtremes Fruitiest Fruit Ditz Ice Cream & SNAKES* I mean, SNACKS ON A PLANE!!
Junk Food Nation, let me start out this hump day by mentioning that on Monday I wondered who the heck hasn’t used e-mail in this day-and-age. And then the commenters let me know – old people, with some exceptions, REALLY haven’t used e-mail at ALL. Forgot Twitter or Facebook. Some people offline told me they have to help their grandparents turn on their computers. So, I stand corrected and apologize to all older folks. I guess it’s more common than I thought. Still bizarre to me.
Moving on: So next week, I’ll be traveling to Vegas for the first round of March Madness. I can’t help it – the gambling / sports degenerate in me comes out to play once a year and NEEDS TO BE FED. Fed with many rounds of over/unders and “First-to-15” bets. (I just learned about these yesterday. HOLY HELL HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THESE SOONER. Dangerous.)
Anyways, I’ll be flying out there next Wednesday, but don’t you worry – I’ve still got posts lined up for your enjoyment. My question for today is: do you ever bring snacks on a plane? Sure, on a plane, you might get plenty of liquid snacks (something I am quite looking forward to) and if you’re lucky and fly JetBlue or the like, you might get more than a tiny bag of pretzels thrown at you…but otherwise, what is your GO-TO food/snack when you fly long trips?
Here at Dulles Airport, there is a Chipotle RIGHT outside the Virgin gate I typically travel out of, so it became sort of a habit for me to grab a burrito for mid-flight. Yes, I am that passenger who breaks out a full smelly burrito right next to you when you’re just trying to read a book. HEY, IT DOESN’T SMELL THAT MUCH DEAL WITH IT THIS CARNE ASADA IS DELISH. But when I fly out of any other gate, I unfortunately usually revert to buying some of those random snack mixes from a Hudson News. You know, the ones where it’s like “dried fruit” or “Asian rice cracker mix” and the prices are something absurd like “2 for $9!” Yet, strangely, that’s STILL cheaper than anything else in the store. Grumble. Just give me those peach rings, ok?
Those generic snack mixes are never satisfying. I went through a phase where I’d pack peanut butter and jelly for flights, but felt weird asking the flight attendant for napkins randomly. I remember one flight where I brought a Costco size box of Cheezits from home. It was glorious. I haven’t planned that well in a long time.
I’ve seen people bring pita chips and big ass tank of hummus on a flight, dipping away happily. I’ve seen people disassemble whole grapefruits with plastic spoons with no regard for their neighbors. I’ve seen someone eat a small sack of cherries, spitting pits the ENTIRE TIME INTO THE CLEAR PLASTIC DRINK CUP NOOOOOOOOO.
But what about YOU, JFNation? What’s YOUR go-to food on a flight? Let me know in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: AirHeads Xtremes Fruitiest Fruit Ditz Ice Cream!!
I spotted these AirHeads Xtremes Fruitiest Fruit Ditz Ice Cream at my local grocery store and posted it on Instagram to surprising fanfare. Give the people what they want, right? Well, here you go. I myself have been a fan of Dippin’ Dots in the past, although the last time I had them was probably…three, four years ago? All I remembered was that the super frozen pellets were SO COLD they’d stick to all parts of my tongue. Which is fun…sort of. Then they’d eventually melt and turn into a runny ice cream, and I’d feel like I need to eat like eight cups of these little buggers to form a proper ice cream serving.
Hmmm. Maybe I’m NOT that much of a fan of Dippin’ Dots.
AirHeads Xtremes Fruitiest Fruit Ditz Ice Cream is not the only flavor in their new line of Dippin’ Dots-like frozen treats…they also come in Mixed Berry flavor. I went for the XTREEEEEME one because I wanted to see what super sour Dippin’ Dots would taste like.
Plus…these are called DITZ? Which are described as “mini bitz of ice cream prone to awesome”? I don’t even know where to begin…so why don’t YOU do it for me in the comments below.
AirHeads Xtremes Fruitiest Fruit Ditz Ice Cream are sweetly sour…
…and come in three flavors: blue = blue raspberry, green = green apple, and orange = well, orange.
AirHeads Xtremes Fruitiest Fruit Ditz Ice Cream contain not too many calories, and lots of natural and artificial flavors. Per usual.
AirHeads Xtremes Fruitiest Fruit Ditz Ice Cream came in boxes of four little tubs, which when flipped over…
…revealed the pellets inside! I have to say – AirHeads Xtremes Fruitiest Fruit Ditz Ice Cream gets points for fun factor. The colors ARE somewhat vibrant, and when I shook the package, they did rattle like beads – the integrity of each little ice cream ball was solid; no partial melting. Good execution structure-wise, AirHeads.
Unfortunately, that’s where the fun stopped. To be fair, this AirHeads Xtremes Fruitiest Fruit Ditz Ice Cream wasn’t BAD – it just didn’t live up to what I wanted. The pellets were NOT as cold as Dippin’ Dots and melted SLIGHTLY easier than Dippin’ Dots. That said, there was no partial melting until I got almost to the very end of the bowl. So, not QUITE as liquid-nitrogen frozen as DD, but still pretty good. Did not achieve that weird stick-to-my-tongue effect.
But the main strike against these is the flavor. NOT sour; BARELY sweet! I mean, I was shocked at how muted the flavors were OVERALL. Yeah, I tasted the color pellets separately, and I could taste a TINY bit of orange, maybe imagine tasting some apple, etc. But mainly, I just tasted a general REALLY muted fruit flavor, such that the resultant melted ice cream flavor was more of just a super creamy rainbow sherbet flavor. And that was IT. These weren’t bold at ALL, and they certainly weren’t XTREEEEMMMME.
I wouldn’t buy these again, unfortunately. The structure is fun, but not enough to make up for the lack of flavor. Again, they didn’t taste bad – but they didn’t live up to my expectation.
PURCHASED AT: Giant Grocery, Van Ness, DC
COST: $5.79!!! (OUCH)
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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I swear half my carry on last flight was snacks (granted, it was going to last me the whole trip since I didn’t know what I’d be able to obtain when I got there. A box of granola bars, a box of sandwich crackers, a few boxes of Craisins. I don’t remember what I actually ate on the flights though.
Now, the first time I ate Dippin’ Dots, I was in the beginnings of stomach flu (I remember this too well…I was actually fighting with my parents to not go to the baseball game and my dad dragged me anyway). They were horrible coming up. I haven’t been able to think about eating them since. I think I feel the same way about these.
@Jessica- “horrible coming up” – GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
With the email debacle involving Hillary Clinton, there was a comment on NBC Today show just this morning that her husband, Bill, has only sent two e-mails in his life. He says he does not use it…but he also said he didn’t have “sex” with Lewinsky so….
When I travel, my friends know I’m the go-to snack person. I typically pack stuff with structural integrity like Cheez-Its (as opposed to crumbly chips) and Skittles (as opposed to melty M&Ms). I also once carried an entire loaf of home-baked chocolate zucchini bread on an international flight. It was awesome.
omg.. i wish i was sitting next to you on that flight. i love zucchini bread, haha!
@Jeni: Your analysis of structure and met-probability is commendable! Need to incorporate that.
“travel M&M’s”. before each trip, we go to Target and buy a bag of everyone’s favorite m&m’s and that’s the snack on the flight. (though sometimes we bring poptarts IN ADDITION TO but never instead of…)
@Deb: Is it one of those huge 40 oz bags? 😉
In flight snacks: stinky beef jerky, chex mix and power bars.
As you can appreciate, the first day of NFL free agency was flat out SICK! Suh baby, Suh…
I will be shortly behind you on the trip to Vegas. Can’t wait.
Enjoy your trip – make sure your first order of business is having the cab from the airport to the strip take you through the In n Out drive thru.
@MarcP: OMG, you have no idea how happy this comment made me. I didn’t even THINK of having the cab take me to In N Out. I…I…THAT MAKES ME SO STOKED! Seriously.
You will not regret it brother.
@MarcP: feelings on Wallace going to Minn?
Those look absolutely disgusting. For travel, my go-to snacks are apples and carrot sticks. I know I am lame and old.
UGH, visions of crappy theme parks… (although I wish classic theme parks were still around) … I prefer Sixlets, which pretty much look the same. And I though Walgreen’s sold some sort of ‘Dippin Dots’ snack, but I’ve never seen it.
I love Dippin Dots! They are so much fun. I was thinking of maybe having some kind of chew in there like a airhead taffy ball in there. They could formulate it making it soft not rock hard
i never liked dippin dots, real ice cream is 1000x better.. dippin dots taste like boring flavored ice balls. gross.
i always take snacks on the plane. sometimes i take cheez-its, sometimes jerky – it varies. i just went to jamaica and for that flight i took chex mix and target’s easter themed “bunny” trail mix (so delicious!). i also took protein bars.
@Kaitlyn: Chex mix def a solid choice on a flight.
I have never tried Dippin’ Dots. I thought the idea was kind of weird, plus I always thought why buy those, when I can get real ice cream for the same price.
In-flight snacks. I’ve been exclusively flying Alaska Airlines for the past 2-3 years, so have generally just bought their fruit/cheese tray if I wanted something in flight. Since there was usually a stop in Seattle or Portland involved, I would usually get something at the airport and eat before I caught the next leg of my trip, especially in Seattle, which has several good options.
This summer, I’m flying Condor to Amsterdam, and they provide two meals (one hot, one not), so I doubt I’ll bring anything extra on the way over. However, if I see anything interesting in the Amsterdam or Frankfurt airports on the way back, I may pick up a couple of things.
I had a full blown munchie bag.
Granola bars, Starkist Thai Tuna packs with crackers, Chuao Chocolate (ty for blog appearance on it, tried and it rocks). I think I even stashed triscuits in a ziploc.
And yet, on the United Flight, I ordered the Tapas box. Olove olives and the lentil crackers got me.
I’d say if a short flight and I can commit to eating my own stuff, I’ll just stick with beef jerky like I do for movies. Jack Links Jalapeno Carne Seca is my stand by for spice and flavor.
@Game: Yes, Chuao is AWESOME. Question: How does the smell of tuna packets go over in a flight?
When I went to a conference in Las Vegas last summer, I had a prepaid round trip shuttle van between the airport and Harrah’s Hotel.
If you can, hit up the chocolate boutique places at Caesar’s Palace and Bellagio! The Ghirardelli store isn’t far from Harrah’s either if you’d like to stock up on their squares.
@Elisa: I do love me some Ghirardelli…..
JFG, probably not well. But I didn’t think about it pre-flight and don’t fly enough to remember anything but my last flight and I didn’t end up eating them, lol.
Ugh! Let me just say i literally JUST NOW tried these airheads xtreme ditz. Let me just say i am an extreme fatty when it comes to food and snacks lol and i LOVE airheads xtremes…but THIS!! oh god… I thought it was gonna be some delicious sherbet-y sour/sweet type of melt in your mouth snack. It was the complete opposite of what it says on the package. i spent pretty much 6 dollars on this B.S just for me to open it and take a big spoonful of (what it tasted like) frozen 1 percent milk, And i mention the “1%” because that’s usually the watered down version of milk lol next to skim milk. I tasted literally 0 flavor from any of the colors. I couldn’t even finish eating the little tub, it tasted THAT bad to me. People, PLEASE don’t even bother wasting your money on this product. This is false advertising at its finest.