Review: Wasabi & Soy Sauce Pringles (Walmart Exclusive Flavor) & Explain Easter Egg Hunts to Me, Please
Junk Food Nation, for many of you this weekend is Easter. Whether you’re religious or not, whether you just like the candy, or whether you just like any chance to have a big brunch, Easter is happening on Sunday. A co-worker of mine mentioned that her neighborhood was having an Easter Egg Hunt, and it occurred to me: I have no idea how these work.
Now, let me slow down. I remember being a little kid. I remember decorating eggs in school. I remember decorating eggs at home. I remember (I think) my mom hiding them in the yard and I scrambled around to find them, and then the memories ended. What was the point again? Did I eat these hard boiled eggs? I have no idea.
Plus, I learned that these days kids don’t hunt for actual eggs, but for plastic ones with toys in them or candy, etc. Which makes sense, but when did that change? Is there a winner for who finds the MOST eggs? Is the prize the eggs themselves? When does the Great Pumpkin reveal himself?
Anyways, it is clear that my Easter Egg Hunt game is nil. So please – tell me about your Easter Egg Hunt experiences. Participating in them, hosting them. Real eggs or candy eggs? Was there a prize? And most importantly, what was the point again? Genuinely curious – I’m even gonna stay off Wikipedia for this. I wanna hear from YOU! Tell me in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Wasabi & Soy Sauce Pringles!!
Looks like Pringles is on board with the Asian flavor trend with these Wasabi & Soy Sauce Pringles. It’s like they saw how successful the Wasabi Ginger Kettle Cooked Lays were, and thought, “Huh…there’s something to this.” At least that’s how I imagine these board room meetings are.
I used to not LOVE wasabi, but in the right ratios, I dig it. A lot. That nostril-clearing flavor. I liked the Lays. I liked the Wasabi and Soy Sauce Triscuit Thin Crisps. Wasabi pistachios? YUMMERS. Let’s do this, Pringles.
The cartoon on this can of Wasabi & Soy Sauce Pringles leaves something to be desired, however. Any experienced sushi eater is delicate with their dipping, not sloshing it around like a goat rodeo here. C’mon now.
Wasabi & Soy Sauce Pringles have dried horseradish, soy sauce, and ….yellow and blue food coloring? Now why would they need yellow and blu*
Do not adjust your computer screens. These Wasabi & Soy Sauce Pringles are powdered with light green. That is not mold or moss or any other sort of growth. That is a thin layer of wasabi flavoring (I can only assume). And it looks both horrifying and sort of awesome. Such a vivid green powder!
The can, once opened, smelled like soy sauce…if you’ve ever just sat and smelled soy sauce before (I have). Didn’t smell bad.
When I ate some of these Wasabi & Soy Sauce Pringles, the first flavor I tasted was umami – that familiar Asian flavor of savoriness that comes with sweet and salt. The soy sauce really stood out in this fashion. Not salty – but that great soy taste.
Then, the wasabi flavor kicked in. It escalated…but then dissipated quickly. VERY interesting. It basically gave me strong horseradish flavor for like 1.5 seconds before fading back into the background soy flavor. Then the rest of the chew on top of the traditional Pringle was soy all the way.
To describe the wasabi more, it basically didn’t escalate to the point where any REAL burn happened, no nostril tingle occurred, and none of that air sucking WOOOOO WASABI feeling. Like, it stops right before that point when the wasabi usually punches you in the nose.
All in all, the flavor was sort of like a milder wasabi pea – wasabi peas are generally more spicy than these. But I liked these Pringles a lot. How they managed to get all the wasabi flavor in there WITHOUT the nostril burn is curious…but I’m chalking it up to science.
Really good. I crushed this can.
COST: $1.50
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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We never hid real eggs when I was growing up in the 80s, only plastic ones filled with candy and coins. Deep down i think my mom didn’t want to worry about finding real eggs….and the smell, months later if we missed any. My dad on the other hand would run the grown-up egg hunt. He hid mini bottles of boze around the yard and the adults would go nuts for it.
The adult egg hunt sounds like a blast.
And when i was little, my parents would tape coins to the hard boiled eggs we covered. not sure when that ended, but i’m wondering if it was because of an unfound egg…. because one year it was plastic eggs and stayed that way.
@Jaime: Grown Up Easter Eg Hunt? Brilliant
Easter sounds like a scam made up by the Egg Industry to sell more eggs!
Lots of things don’t make sense in our world. When I was a kid, I colored eggs & for Easter, my parents would hide them all over the house. Today’s egg hunts sound more like a participation trophy.
@MP: LOL, to sell more eggs? I think they’re doing fine w/o Easter 🙂
I’m part Mexican so the easter egg hunt thing was slightly different for me as a child.
My whole family made casacrónes by collecting egg shells for a couple months by only breaking the very top of the egg and draining the inside. The eggs are filled with confetti and taped off. Then they are hidden and you go around and find them and crack them on other peoples heads to get the confetti all over them (with a combines 20 kids/adults, this was like a small war)
It was fun! It also hurt sometimes…
@Johnny: COOL! I like that idea.
Another good question: why does a bunny deliver eggs? Or are hollow, chocolate rabbit-shaped beings not warm-blooded?
@Goodspeed: They are Lindt-blooded
As I recall, the prize was the eggs. We had our own egg hunt (my much older sisters and I – whoever found all the eggs quickest got extra candy) but that ended when I was 12 and trained the dog to sniff them out. Between the fact we were all too old for it and me essentially cheating, it wasn’t fun anymore.
Happy Easter everyone! 😀
For a cute look at Easter egg hunts, there’s “It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown!” TV special (1974):
@Elisa: HA! I never saw that one
I’m old (53), Back then, the Easter egg hunt was just the kids in my family; no community hunt. We would color the hard-boiled eggs the night before Easter, using the basic Paas dye kit that was available at that time. After we went to bed, my mom hid them outside (when we lived in Washington state) or inside (after we moved to Alaska). We got up the next morning, checked out our Easter baskets (all put together by mom; not those expensive but mostly empty pre-made ones), then hunted eggs. Since this was pre-OMG! Salmonella! the eggs were then used to make deviled eggs and in the potato salad for Easter dinner.
So nothing fancy; just family entertainment. No prizes, expensive gifts, etc.
@Michelle: I fully support the use of the eggs to make deviled eggs! MY FAV
I grew up in Massachusetts so there was often snow on the ground around Easter, so we’d have an Easter egg hunt inside. No prize, just the fun of looking under the couch, in the piano bench, etc., for hard boiled eggs. These days the parks department has an adult Easter egg hunt, complete with booze, bands and prizes (the plastic eggs have numbered tickets inside redeemable for prizes.)
@Mike N: I like the indoor one….as long as you remember where they were! (Hate to find one in the vent months later 😉 )
Oh, BTW, I hate wasabi, and pretty much all Japanese foodstuff. It’s weird because I love all other Asian food and have nothing against Japan (it’s a beautiful country!) just the food’s not for me.
For my family, the egg hunt wasn’t really a competition, since all the eggs we found were divided equally afterwards (and were wrapped in different coloured tissue paper for each of us).
My mum just used to wrap up all the Easter presents and get us to find them in the garden, so they were usually a mixture of chocolate eggs, sweets and bunny related things.
Impressive and thorough review, but personally not a wasabi chips fan.
The true key to Easter egg hunts is manipulating them so that you somehow end up with more candy than the kids.
-Rod Budget
@Rod: Thanks man!
I wonder if any of these flavor-slinging snackfood company think-tanks will ever dare to try to emulate the red pepper dumpling sauces found in Szechuan cooking. That is some wicked stuff. First time ingested you feel like you’re gonna pass out, lose consciousness, wake-up on the floor. But every time afterward the burn is never as bad. Its like what they say about some hard drugs.
I am eating these right now, THEY ARE AMAZING.