Micro-Review: New Lance Quick Starts Maple French Toast Breakfast Biscuits
I’m calling my shot – Mariota to the Chargers.
Today’s junk food: New Lance Quick Starts Maple French Toast Breakfast Biscuits!!
It’s kind of weird to me that this box of New Lance Quick Starts Maple French Toast Breakfast Biscuits contains only five 6-packs…you’d think they would just stack them in the box 2×3, right? Whatever. Like other Lance cracker sandwiches, these come in familiar 6-pack shrink-wrapped form. Cracking open the plastic, I immediately got cinnamon smell, with a hint of maple – much like a French Toast. And you know how much I like French Toast. Each sandwich is about 1.2 inches on each side. Holding one of the individual sandwiches up to my nose, the French Toast smell got stronger…by itself, the cracker/biscuit/cookie wafer was sweet, and tasted like French Toast. Buttery, bread-y, and with a crunchy crumbly texture that reminded me of a graham cracker. The creme inside tasted a LOT like maple sugar/maple syrup. Sort of artificial tasting, to be honest, but there’s no mistaking the flavor. When I crunched the whole thing together, these were pretty damn delicious. SUPER sweet, sugar-y and cinnamon-y, with lots of maple sugar flavor. It tasted like I was eating French Toast in cracker/cookie form. Really really really good. I’d eat these 100 times out of 100.
PURCHASED AT: Giant, Germantown, MD
COST: $2.50 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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So these are a lot sweeter than the Honey Bunches of Oats breakfast biscuits?
@Keith: Yes, I’d say so.
yum! they sound delicious.
@Kaitlyn: They were!
Those look nasty. Other than the cheese crackers with peanut butter, I skip any of this type of snack.
Any guess on Mizzou’s Shane Ray? He was expected to go first round but he was busted for a small amount of pot a couple days ago. And of course, no other college student has ever possessed weed.
@Mike N: I expect teams to hyper-react to Shane Ray’s weed thing and for him to drop to the late 2nd. Of course, the rub is that he’s just an idiot. The weed doesn’t bother me, the judgment does. Of course, thats me just hyper-reacting and what do I know?
@Mike N: No reports saying Ray WILL go in round 1. I AM AN AWFUL NFL GM
How exactly are they going to get up to 2? I don’t see a team with that many needs mortgaging their next 3 1’s. Can’t see him falling to them. The TV coverage is going to get all weepy when TEN takes Mariota at 2 and kills all their drama for the evening. Oohh! Look! Someone just traded a 4 to move up two places to get the tackle they wanted! Look at the bewildered consternation on the team they jumped that has to take a different faceless offensive lineman! Exciting!
Those things just seem weird. What is that even supposed to be between the crackers? They don’t even call it ‘spread’, it’s just…unnamed maple…stuff.
@Dana: I was banking on a Rivers swap, but it looks like that rumors thread is dead now. THANKS A LOT, RIVERS.
The stuff inside was basically Ore-creme consistency…a thinner layer. I SWEAR these were good.
Why did the NFL Network Mayock blurb graphic on Winston just say “Flat-Footed Hose”????? What the heck does that mean??