Review: New Snack Factory Gluten Free Salted Caramel Pretzel Crisps Minis & Wait Wait Wait…There Are People Who DON’T Like Guacamole????
Junk Food Nation, yesterday was Cinco De mayo, and for all of you people celebrating with margs and guac, I salute you. It was NOT Mexico’s Independence Day, like so many people mistakenly believe. Wait, it’s not? NO IT’S NOT. For a good rundown of what Cinco De Mayo actually IS, go here. You uninformed subset of people, you.
Anyways, with Cinco De Mayo occurring this week, my-favorite-place-to-ingest-1000-calories Chipotle released their recipe for their guacamole!!! *big news* WHOA! TRADE SECRET! And here it is:
2 ripe Hass avocados (In the restaurant, we use 48 per batch, multiple times per day)
2 teaspoons lime juice
2 tablespoons cilantro (chopped)
1/4 cup red onion (finely chopped)
1/2 jalapeño, including seeds (finely chopped)
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
Wait a minute…this looks suspiciously like MY guacamole recipe. *continues reading recipe* WHAT THE…and they mix the ingredients together just like *I* do!!!!! IP INFRINGEMENT!!!! GOVERNMENT, DO SOMETHING!
So it turns out Chipotle’s guac is no different than my own guac. Well, what the hell, man?? It’s damn good, but I thought it had angel wings or white tiger’s blood in it or something. Hmph.
I was so upset with this realization that I told a friend about it. She responded, “Oh I don’t like guacamole anyways; I don’t care.” I was FLOORED. I know that not everyone likes everything, but guacamole? Luscious, beautiful, tasty guacamole? Perfect for dipping, spreading on sandwiches, or just shoveling into my mouth – THAT guacamole? Why don’t you like it? “Oh, it’s too mushy!” But…what about mashed potatoes? THOSE are mushy. “Oh, I don’t like mashed potatoes either.” WHAT!?
Anyways, apparently not everyone likes guacamole. I LOVE it. I think it tastes good, I think it spreads perfectly as a mayo-replacement on sandwiches, and I could eat a billion chips with guac. But maybe I’m on an island? YOU TELL ME, Junk Food Nation, in the comments below – (1) do you love or hate guacamole, or indifferent? (2) If you hate it, why? (3) if you love it, do you have a special recipe you employ? I WANT IT – list it below.
*muttering to myself* “Too mushy?…THAT’S THE WHOLE DAMN POINT.”
Today’s junk food: New Snack Factory Gluten Free Salted Caramel Pretzel Crisps Minis!!
I’ve reviewed a few Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps varieties on this blog, and generally have enjoyed all of them. I feel like they have a new flavor every month. So when I first passed by these New Snack Factory Gluten Free Salted Caramel Pretzel Crisps Minis the first few times, I didn’t even bother looking. “Salted Caramel? How is THAT new?” I mused. But then the fifth time I walked by I stopped. Gluten-Free? But…these are pretzels. How could these be gluten-free?
So, I admit, with this new wrinkle, these New Snack Factory Gluten Free Salted Caramel Pretzel Crisps Minis intrigued me. I hadn’t even looked at the ingredients yet, but my interest was piqued. Would these be going to rice route, like the Rice Thins? Maybe a mix of rice and something else?
If Snack Factory can pull off a successful gluten-free pretzel, then these New Snack Factory Gluten Free Salted Caramel Pretzel Crisps Minis would be the first of many flavors, right? The doors will be wide open.
New Snack Factory Gluten Free Salted Caramel Pretzel Crisps Minis contain a mix of corn, potato, rice, and corn fiber. They do contain milk, so no good for people avoiding dairy, but otherwise the ingredients in these look pretty good. Ok, I’m pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ down, Snack Factory…
I opened this bag of New Snack Factory Gluten Free Salted Caramel Pretzel Crisps Minis and sniffed —- WOOOOOOOO a nice strong salty caramel smell. VERY potent – not as cloyingly sweet of a smell like yesterday’s cakes, but still a definitive caramel smell nonetheless. Each mini pretzel crisp was very light, and smaller than the size of a quarter. Each crisps was doused in what looked to be a mix of salt and brown sugar.
I popped a big mouthful of these New Snack Factory Gluten Free Salted Caramel Pretzel Crisps Minis in my mouth and crunched. DAMN THESE WERE GOOD. With these crisps, the blueprint was simple – salted caramel is not a new flavor, and pretzel crisps are not a new concept, right? So by going gluten-free, THAT’S the big draw here, so simple execution was going to be the key. That is to say: Did they get it right or did they get it wrong? That’s the real only question. And Snack Factory – you got it RIGHT.
The crunch on these minis was light – definitely reminded me of a rice cracker, but the added potato and corn was noticeable because it wasn’t as airy as a rice cracker is. You’d mistake this for a gluten-filled pretzel, for sure, if you didn’t know any better. Main texture difference was these were as flatly crunchy as pretzel crisps are – these were almost more chip-like.
DEFINITE caramel flavor, but while these had sweetness, they had a DECENT amount of salt to balance it out. The balance was almost exactly 50-50 – very much like a kettle popcorn. While the flavor of caramel was present and brown sugar-y, the salt was unavoidable, giving me a great version of what I think “salted caramel” should be.
Like the Snyder’s Sweet Salty Salted Caramel Pretzel Pieces, these almost had a buttery taste to them, reminding me of an Auntie Anne’s pretzel. SO TASTY. I could crush this bag in ten minutes. Great buttery salted caramel flavor, light texture, perfect balance: YUM YUM YUM. These were addicting.
Damn you, Snack Factory. I love/hate you for introducing these to the world. Now send me a crate of them.
PURCHASED AT: Walgreens, Cleveland Park, DC
COST: $2.50 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 33 Comments
1. Absolutely love guacamole. I was a late guac convert in life, having not experienced the awesomeness until I was 18 or so.
3. Special recipe is below. Some may call it cheating using a premade seasoning but HOLY S it makes the best guac…at least that I’ve ever experienced.
– 3 Avocados
– 1/3 White Onion, small diced
– 1/2 Tomato, large dice
– 6 T Wildtree Guac Seasoning (
– Lime Juice to Taste
– Garlic Powder to Taste
– Salt to Taste
– 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
Normal guac making procedure (read: mix everything together) except save half the onions and put them on top of the guac (I like to lump them in the middle for fanciness). Sometimes I refrigerate for 1-3 hours before devouring if I can restrain myself.
@Devin: that wild guac seasoning – NEED TO TRY. Looks great!
I can’t pick on anyone for food preferences. Most people think it’s weird that I have a divine hatred of almost all beef and pork products as well as mayonnaise. Yeah, I don’t eat much at barbecues.
@Jessica: Oh I can pick. I’LL PICK ALL I WANT 😛 🙂
*slowly, shamefully raises hand* I don’t like guacamole.
Wait, I don’t like french toast, I don’t like burnt Cheez-Its. I don’t like guac. I don’t even like sports! YOU don’t like competitive cooking shows … Why am I even reading your blog??
@Jeni: LOL – I don’t know, get out of here! 😛
Pretzels (more specifically, pretzel bread) have been one of the things I missed most since having to go gluten free. There may be a trip to Walgreens in my evening plans!
Thanks for the review!
@Sophia: I picked up the normal salt version too – will be trying those soon!
Chipotle stole your recipe, JFG! 😛 Or maybe they pulled a generic recipe off the internet to throw everyone off! Personally I do not like guacamole. I’ve tried it a few times & it does nothing for me. For chips, I prefer salsa or queso. I follow some chefs online & they seem to brag on avocados like it’s the 2nd coming of sliced bread or something. And why would I want to replace mayo?? If it counts for anything, I don’t like verde sauce or pesto either & I only like mashed potatoes with gravy 😛
You know what came from white tiger angel wings? – Taco Bell’s old Lava sauce. Mmmmmm.
@MP: I LOVE VERDE AND PESTO TOO! lol. Plus, I like mayo AND avocado on sandwiches 🙂 Bring on the food lube!
Love guacamole and avocados in general. *thinks for a second* I’m pretty sure I eat avocado or guacamole just about every day.Is that weird? And hey if people don’t like guac, that’s fine. More for the rest of us…hopefully…as long as the CA drought doesn’t make them crazy expensive
@Johnny – I could, EVERY DAY. Agree.
I love mashed potatoes. Lumpy, smooth, I don’t care. And…..I hate guac. There’s something slimy about the texture to me. This distresses me because I would like to have avocados in my diet, but they just repel me. I tried to make a soup once that had avocados hidden in the liquid base and I had to throw the whole thing out which I rarely do because I can’t stand wasting food…but that avocado slime can’t be hidden. I envy all you guac lovers. Now salsa, THAT I can get behind.
I have wondered if I am one of those few unlucky people who is allergic to avocados. It can happen.
@Indigo – oh, yeah, I know some people who are allergic.
What about hummus? How does that sit with you?
For me, I love guacamole, but I cannot eat it if even a shred of cilantro is in it. Can’t explain it, but I’ll eat guacamole all day without cilantro, or get sick after a bite with cilantro.
@Eric: Ah, interesting. I used to hate it, but I’ve come around on cilantro. But I totally understand.
There doesn’t seem to be a follow-up question for “Guacamole is pretty okay I guess,” but that’s where I fall. It was tasty at the place in my hometown where a friend and I used to split a margarita pitcher (or three) on Saturdays back in the day, but it’s not the sort of thing I’m jonesing for so badly that I’d try, say, Subway’s take on it.
@ICedus: OOO I forgot about subway guac. Yeah I’m not eating that.
Wow…I am surprised these don’t have more grams of sugar in them! I would actually consider these healthy! I use the same guac recipe except I grate garlic into it. No big chunks of garlic to ruin it….just a touch. I also will cut an avocado and half, load it with salt and take a spoon to it. Love the avocados!
@Sarah: THESE WERE SO GOOD. Try them.
Also, yes to the garlic – Junk Food Gal does that too! *high five*
Love guac. It is one of the most delicious and healthy foods on the planet…or it was before I ate my weight in it!
These pretzels look amazing. Will have to try and track down.
Due to this post, I am now officially starving! 😉
I like guac, but not if it has chopped onions in it, as I don’t like raw onion. However, I don’t like plain avocados. They have that “squidgy” texture that I can’t stand (same with mushrooms, scallops, bivalves).
Those pretzels look great. I’ll have to see if I can find them. I’m not gluten-free, but they appear to be relatively low in calories, and I am about that right now. Snack Factory snacks are hit and miss with me. I tried their version of Ho-Hos while Hostess was dormant, and they were horrible. Their savory snacks are generally okay, though.
I really do love avocados and guac, however I discovered recently I have oral allergy syndrome. And eating the avocados makes my throat want to tighten up and hurt. Apparently the list of items I’m allergic to include bananas, potatoes, carrots (if they are cooked I’m fine) and kiwi! All tasty tasty foods but the pollen in the area makes it far worse for me. So eat all the guac you can for me for those that can’t!
i love sliced avocado, but I hate guacamole. every time I’ve had it…its so damn BLAND. Don’t know why.
I found both at Walgreens this morning, and they are so good! The downside? I found something I can eat with this, and will be tempted to make it:
JFG, to answer your question, I love hummus! And all the flavored ones, too.
i hate guacamole. i’m weird about textures, though. i don’t like avocados at all.
anyway, i’ve been loving these pretzel crisps lately (i’m eating the original minis right now, actually). i haven’t seen this flavor anywhere, but i’m praying they come to my area!
GUAC IS GOOD!!! In fact, avocado is good in general. I now have the hubby totally digging Avocado Toast —- Smashed avocado + salt & pepper + hearty thick wheat bread (like Ezekiel Bread) = Heaven. If you’re feeling fancy, add some crumbled bacon on salted sunflower seeds & feta. You’re life will change. Well, mine did.
@Jennifer L: That Avocado Toast sounds amazing!
Wouldn’t these pretzel’s be better if they were not broke? With that is possible. Check out and vote please.
I hate guacamole!
I grew up in the Philippines and had always had avocado sweet (in milkshakes, mousse, cubes in sweetened milk) so when I moved to NY semi-permanently for university I was surprised at how many (savoury) things have avocado in them. Back home some restaurants do put them in sandwiches and things but in the States even SUSHI has avocado in it. AVOCADO IN MY SUSHI? Please leave the sushi alone.
Anyway these pretzels sound great! Will look out for them the next time I go grocery shopping.