MICRO-REVIEW: TastyKake Lemon Kandy Kakes (Spring Exclusive)
Today’s junk food: TastyKake Lemon Kandy Kakes (Spring Exclusive)!!
TastyKake Lemon Kandy Kakes were small, puck-like cakes that were topped with a lemon-y filling, and then coated all over in a THICK white sugar-y confection. When I opened these up, it reminded me of the lemon filling smell from a lemon-filled powdered sugar donut. AND I LOVE THOSE. Excitedly, I bit into it – SUGAR BOMB. In a good way, people. The thick white sugar coating was every bit the sugar-y heaven I expected and wanted it to be, melting all over my fingers and coating my mouth with so sugar sugar sugar. The coating dissolved nicely in my mouth, upping the sugar-y flavor of everything else it touched – the soft vanilla cake inside became SUGAR CAKE! The lemon-y layer? It was sort of masked by the sugar (I’m a huge Meyer Lemon fan, and this didn’t have that same citrus flavor). Still, I got the lemon-y flavor enough as the coating made it SUGAR LEMON FLAVOR. Everything was sort of creamy because of the outside coating, and I was left with a mouthful that, like the smell, reminded me of a lemon-filled donut. But much softer. These may be overwhelmingly sweet for some, but I REALLY dug these. Super easy to eat like five in a row, and then go running down the street with your arms flailing above you.
PURCHASED AT: Sent to me
COST: Not sure – maybe $3-$4 for this box?
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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Wow, much better than I expected! Two things stand out – there are like, EIGHT (I stopped counting) different kinds of sweetener in these guys, and … there’s actual lemon juice/oil!
@Jeni: Maybe that large number of sweeteners is why I was bouncing off the walls!
Have to admit, the fact that the confectionery coating is the 1st ingredient, disturbs me. A lot.
@Sophia: *still bouncing off the walls from the sugar*
Do you remember the cookies called Lemon Coolers? I think they were made by Sunshine and were covered in powdered sugar. Those were awesome, wish they’d bring them back!
@Mike N.: Those were the absolute best! I make my own version at home, but it’s just not the same.
are they like the girl scout savannah smiles cookies? yum.
They still sell lemon coolers, but made by niche. Not sure if they’re different, as I have tried either.