MICRO-REVIEW: TastyKake Strawberry Kandy Kakes (Spring Exclusive)

Today’s junk food: TastyKake Strawberry Kandy Kakes (Spring Exclusive)!!

TastyKake Strawberry Kandy Kakes: The Money Shot

TastyKake Strawberry Kandy Kakes: The Money Shot



Hey, remember when I reviewed, and LOVED, the Lemon Kandy Kakes?  And remember when I remember when I reviewed, and really enjoyed, the Chocolate/Cherry Kandy Kakes? Yeah…these TastyKake Strawberry Kandy Kakes were a distant 3rd for me.

I dunno – the same waxy outside sugariness that I liked a lot with the lemon variety just didn’t work for me with this strawberry variety. The artificial strawberry flavor was definitely there, similar to the same fake strawberry taste I’d had in other snacks. However, that frosted outside coating, while it added a sort-of iciness to the lemon flavor, just tasted like waxy sugar on the outside of the strawberry. The consistency was the same as the other two cakes – soft, with a THICK coating of stuff on the outside that melted on my fingers. But either the strawberry wasn’t fruit-tangy enough to cut through the coating, or there was too much coating. Either way, I think it didn’t work, and the resultant combo wasn’t a hit.  Sorry TastyKake – I’ll stick to your delicious lemon variety!

PURCHASED AT: Sent to me

COST: Not sure / ~$3-$4 

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 2 Comments

  1. C. says:

    Peanut Butter Tandy Cakes will always be #1 with me. Classic. TastyKake is a GREAT company.

    Now what about this huge picture of JFG’s incisor-marks on this cake? Is this appropriate for kids to view? I thought this was a family website
