Review: New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies & Have You Ever Attended a High School Reunion?
JFG Nation, I want to ask you all about high school reunions. I’ve gone to college reunions and have attended law school alumni events, but I haven’t been to a high school reunion. Ever. And I don’t know whether high school reunions for my class have even been held. The reason for the lack of high school reunions on my radar is probably very simple – I did not go to a private school where reunions are organized by the school, and any reunion requires momentum from the class itself. Add to that the fact that while some have remained in the area, many have moved to other places away from my original home town. And its been a very long time since I was in high school (GOD WHERE IS TIME GOING).
Plus, high school, for many people, wasn’t the greatest years in their lives, and while college is also often an awkward time, the lack of parental overlording certainly made those years at least slightly better than the high school years. (Unless, of course, you were on Saved by the Bell. The College Years for those guys was hard to watch.)
I’m only friends with a few people from high school – not because I’m an elitist prick, but mainly because time helps drive that wedge. The people I was friends with, I’m still in contact with through Facebook, etc. That kid I KINDA talked to once in Math Class? Wiped from the board and my memory. So I’m not rushing back to see THAT kid in a high school reunion. That kid was weird.
But I wondered if I was in the minority – have YOU, JFG Nation, ever attended a high school reunion? And how was it? I’m not talking about the five year one – the one you might’ve attended right after college. I’m talking 10-year, even 20-year high school reunions. Have you ever gone back to those? Let me know in the comments below, and tell me how it was! Was your high school sweetheart there? That guy you crushed on? Let’s start off the week with a little painful reminiscing.
Today’s junk food: New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies!!
New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies. You’re seeing this package right. Two chocolate wafer cookies, with a layer of creme in between. Chocolate. Sandwich. Cookies.
You know, I give Keebler credit for going directly head to head with Oreo on this one. Why not? LOTS of companies make faux Oreos, or fauxreos as a reader coined, so why not Keebler? Keebler cookies are good. I’m excited to see how these are.
Simply Made is a Keebler cookie line I’ve blogged about before. The point is fewer ingredients, less chemicals, to make good cookies. The results have been so-so – I haven’t been a huge fan of the line. They are just…ok.
With these New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, I’m curious – I mean, quite frankly, Oreos, despite what you might think, don’t have a ton of ingredients already. Check out the label on the Oreo Thins…12-13 ingredients, tops? Although I guess if you break down the flour, that makes like 20 ingredients. So how many LESS ingredients will THESE have?
New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies have about 13 ingredients. So…about the same as Oreos. Still, whereas two Oreos are usually 140 calories, here THREE cookies are 140 calories. That’s pretty cool.
BUT: These New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are NOT vegan, whereas (to my surprise) Oreos ARE. So, vegans – stay away from these.
I opened this package of New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, and the first impression I got when I sniffed – HOLY COW. VANILLA BEAN! These cookies smelled like vanilla bean. Actually, they REALLY smelled like vanilla bean ice cream, that sugary vanilla flavor. It was REALLY recognizable. As a lover of vanilla, color me intrigued.
The creme in these New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies isn’t ENTIRELY consistent – the look on this one cookie looks a little gluey? Hmmmm, weird.
New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies have a flowery SIMPLY MADE stamp and flowery texture, like Oreos. Hey, why not?
Twisting open these New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, you can see immediately the visual difference as compared to Oreos. Oreos have a much smoother disc of creme, obviously. These were….wetter? A little more smudged. You can see it for yourself.
When I tasted the creme, despite the look, the consistency of the cremes was similar – frsoting-like and micro-gritty. So that was good. But I immediately noticed a difference in flavor – this creme had a LOT more vanilla flavor, and was almost milkier! More milky? Whatever the term – it had a STRONG vanilla and milk flavor! It honestly tasted a lot like vanilla ice cream. Like ACTUAL vanilla bean ice cream, milky flavor and all.
I have to admit, I LOVED the way this creme tasted. Whereas the Cookies n’ Creme Oreos I thought just tasted like regular Oreos, I honestly think the “ice cream” flavor is BETTER in these. Whoa.
The cookie? Well, this cookie is a little lighter in texture – not more crumbly, just not as hearty of a crunch. Just a lighter wafer cookie.
When eating these New Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich Cookies as a whole, I must admit – despite all of my doubts, I REALLY enjoyed these, and can say they taste DIFFERENT than regular Oreos. For real. These, to me, tasted EXACTLY like actual Cookies n’ Creme ice cream. And the only reason is because the vanilla and milk flavor are punched WAAAAY up. Not grossly, but BOLDLY – enough to render the combo more creamy and more vanilla-y than regular Oreos.
So, these do NOT taste like Oreos, and I’m not going to say I like these more than Oreos. BUT as a stand alone cookie, these were really good. Like, surprisingly good. Like, I’m going to buy these again for sure. And while they are different than regular Oreos, they definitely blew Cookies n Creme Oreos out of the water.
Try these and tell me what you think, please! I want to confirm my taste buds.
PURCHASED AT: Walmart, Germantown, MD
COST: $2.50
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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Nope. 10 year came and went without a thought.
High school wasn’t as great as college. I’ve moved out of area. Etc etc.
Now I might consider 20 years. If I have something to say I can show off my life and acquire a husband by then. Lol.
No reunions for me. I despised school and tried to forget it completely once I graduated. Also, I went to a small private school and my graduation class was comprised of only six people, two of whom are already dead. So… anyways, those cookies look good!
@PL ISaley – 6 PEOPLE IN A CLASS??? whoa
I passed up my 10 yr reunion without a second thought. I’m “friends” with some of my classmates on facebook and that’s about as far as that goes. I have no desire to interact with any of them or others from my class, so that’s why they’re muted/hidden from my timeline. I could care less about their lives – but it makes them feel better to see we’re still friends on the internet. Have to stay “popular” and all.. Winning that high school popularity game!
These cookies sound better than I would have imagined.. that creme looks weird though.. must the extra oil to keep it soft.
@Pimousse: Yeah, FB has sort of made the high school reunions redundant….
High school reunions? Nope. Uh uh. Not a chance in hell. Skipped the 10th – heard only a few of like 750 showed up – and the 20th is coming up & skipping that too. Facebook makes it pretty much moot. Reunions only exist for people to brag about their stupid lives.
I attended a public school in a small community. I did go to my 20 year reunion…and it was great! Definitely long enough for people to change a lot as compared to 10 years. It was fun.
@Anne: I would agree – 20 years would be more interesting than 10.
I am impressed with ingredients! Real butter! I wonder what the shelf like is compared to Oreos. I went to all girls catholic school in the city, now closed. No reunions….twenty years came and went and I could care less.
@Sarah: I KNOW. REAL BUTTER. I was impressed too 🙂
butter is all I taste…
I passed these by at store because I was thinking they’d be an Oreo knockoff. Now I’ll have to get them.
No to reunions. I didn’t go to my 10 or 20. I heard a lot of people went. There were close to 800 in my class. But a few friends told me it was a joke, with everybody acting all super blissful and successful and rich. So not like really catching up, more like just watching a reality show. All lies.
@Marianne: ALL LIES!! 🙂
Went to my 10 year reunion – voted “most changed”. Went to my 15 year reunion – voted “most changed.” WHAT????? It wasn’t like I grew another leg or lost 14 sizes…..decided that was enough for me.
While I like Oreos, I also liked Hydrox cookies when I was a kid. Are they still around?
@MKC: You know, I have no idea if Hydrox are still around. I haven’t seen them in forever!
@MKC: PS: Most changed – lol
Hydrox cookies were killed off in the early 2000s I believe, but they are slated to return at the end of this month. They claim they are the ‘Original Sandwich Cookie’ and that Oreos are a ripoff.
You can find out more here:
Junkfoodguy, just discovered your website. Pretty cool if I say so myself.
One of “The Washington Post” columnists features high school reunions during the summer months as part of his column and who to contact for info. They’re mostly well-known DC area private and public high schools; some of the class years have their own websites.
My public high school class year had a reunion at a local restaurant couple years ago over Thanksgiving weekend. Odd time! I’ve gone to two smaller alumni events for grad school but that’s it.
#Elisa: Thanksgiving Reunion???? Awful
My family loves the Simply Made Chocolate Chip cookie. Very good flavor and texture for something mass produced. Not too sweet either.
I was going to grab these after your review, but they were sold out.
@Michael: I hope you found them!
Spit these out and don’t believe the hype in these horrendous fakes. Go see the real thing at, coming soon! Danged keebler even shamelessly ripped off the cookie’s design. A cookie, I might add, that keebler tried to kill off once or twice before! For sh-a-a-a-a-a-me, keebler!!!
“So I’m not rushing back to see THAT kid in a high school reunion. That kid was weird.” It’s OK, JFG…you can let it out…you were THAT kid weren’t you? 😀
Went to 10 year…still too fresh, everyone just talked to the people they hung out with in HS. I think the best our apathetic class could come up with was a vague meetup at a bar for 20 that I didn’t go to (our class was so lame we almost didn’t have a yearbook because almost no one cared and we couldn’t keep any teachers interested long enough to be an advisor). Seems like the interesting people have better things to do than go to reunions. If you’re going to your 25 year reunion to relive the ‘best days of your life’ or your ‘glory days’, I doubt I’ll have anything to discuss with you. I guess once you get to the 40 year or so you go to talk about who’s died, so there’s that anyway.
@Dana: you can talk about who died at the 40th?? MORBID 😛
High School reunions…geez, seriously? I don’t think a lot of people these days notice that they’re even out of high school. Why re-visit the petri dish where bad taste is created?
Don’t believe the hype in these horrendous fakes. Go see the real thing at, coming soon! Danged keebler even shamelessly ripped off the cookie’s design. A cookie, I might add, that keebler tried to kill off once or twice before! For sh-a-a-a-a-a-me, keebler!!!
Are these being tested in limited areas? Checked Keebler’s site for them and it wasn’t even shown on their site!
@Janet – not sure – found them in MD
The Keebler Simply Made Chocolate Sandwich cookies are awesome. The cream filling tastes like vanilla cake frosting and complements the cocoa flavored cookie really well. Kudos to them for not rolling out an outright Oreo clone.
One good thing, no high fructose corn syrup. But there is soy, cornstarch and canola oil. Oh well. Lesser of two
evils I suppose! And Hydrox was bought out by Keebler who proceeded to change the name to Droxies, which I don’t even remember!
I just went into Walmart to buy more of these precious cookies for my husband (he has an extreme corn allergy) and they weren’t in the shelf! The Keebler rep just happened to be in there so I asked when the next shipment was to be expected. They have been discontinued!!!!
@Kim Behrends – just saw some of these at my local Safeway recently. So they are around still in some stores!
I have never missed a hs reunion. I skip college reunions. I went to my 40th and if I am around will go to 45th. Time umbles and equalizes folks. Go to your reunion. It will give you perspective. Keebler made g r e a t sandwich cookies in the 60s. There was a French vanilla and a chocolate fudge. They were fab. Don’t like the simply made sannies as well.
I thought these cookies were amazing and even beat oreos at their own game, providing a lighter, creamer, more cocoa-y, cookie at a lower cost with better ingredients.
Loved these cookies. .. not really fond of Oreo but I thought I would give these a try. The verdict is I am really glad that I did! ! They are awesome and taste so creamy! ! Yummy