Review: Bacon! Maple Rippled Potato Chips (Stop & Shop/Giant Food, Limited Time Originals) & Oh FuuuuuuuuSNOW IS COMING
DC IS COVERED IN SNOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW. Well, not yet, JFG Nation. But soon! This weekend, local forecasts call for epic storms in the DC area, dumping anywhere from 2-3 feet of snow on the DC/Maryland/Virginia triad.
While other regions of the country (upstate NY, where I grew up, and anywhere else north of here) is arguably proficient at handling a snowy weather season, DC is not. I have no idea why not, since snow has hit this region before. It could be the combo of drivers who have no idea what they are doing plus the local departments not knowing how much to salt and when? Who knows. All I know is that last night one single inch of snow fell and then this happened:
Jeebus. That is REAL. I saw a picture like this on FB, and thought, “Oh, someone doctored that.” BUT THIS IS A SCREENSHOT FROM MY PHONE. Sooooo many posts in my FB feed read, “took me seven hours to go 23 miles” or “just ditched my car and walked four miles to a subway, finally home at midnight.” Wow.
If this is what happens with one inch, then I’m glad I’m staying inside this entire weekend. I went to the grocery store yesterday when the flakes first started to fall, and the bread, milk, and egg shelves had been cleared. I bought two bottles of wine, two boxes of Cheez-Its and brownie mix. HEY, I’M HUMAN AND I KNOW WHAT IS IMPORTANT.
Were you caught in this “storm”? And what do you do to prep for being snowed in, typically? LEt me know in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Bacon! Maple Rippled Potato Chips!!
Bacon! Maple Rippled Potato Chips are made by Giant/Stop & Shop, even though those names appear no where on the bag. Love the bag design, though – why NOT just wrap the bag in giant strips of bacon?
It is funny to me that the name of these chips is “Bacon! Maple Rippled Potato Chips” ….. the addition of the random exclamation point just hammers home the point that we have abandoned any attempt at proper grammar or punctuation. Our food names are now written in semi-text-speak.
Oh who am I kidding, I write this blog the same way.
Bacon! Maple Rippled Potato Chips contain anti-caking agents, which I guess is good, and NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS. Big win!
And the UPC code of these Bacon! Maple Rippled Potato Chips emerges from a frying pan! I’ll admit, I did love this.
Opening the bag of chips, I could smell a small hint of maple, but mostly a lot of smoke…slightly meaty smokiness, but definitely smoke. The chips themselves looked good – like Wavy Lays and not a lot of chips were broken. Nice, full circles.
I placed one of these Bacon! Maple Rippled Potato Chips into my mouth, chewed, and BAM! TONS of flavor. The chips, overall, had an almost BBQ flavor – tons of smoky flavor, with definitely bacon-y overtones. After I swallowed and smacked my tongue, I definitely got bacon flavor. And when I burped, I definitely burped up bacon flavor (eww…..sorry). Point is, I tasted the bacon, I really did. These chips weren’t TOO salty, so there was plenty of meat flavor to focus on.
Moreover, the maple flavor of these Bacon! Maple Rippled Potato Chips mixed nicely with the bacon flavor. It wasn’t overtly sweet, but basically combined with the salty bacon flavor to give a perfect sweet/salty mix. Basically these chips had a maple bacon taste – just enough sweetness to really make the bacon flavor sing, and the flavor was distinctly maple. Strangely, the sweetness of the maple sort of cancelled out the bacon flavor at points, so that the smoke really came through.
I was surprised how good these were, and I would definitely buy them again. For a store-brand, these were top notch. Buy these, NOW!
PURCHASED AT: Giant, Germantown, MD
COST: $1.99
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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I’ve lived here all my life (35 years) and last nights DC/Balt corridor traffic issues were the worst i’ve ever seen. No plows, no salt, nothing. Got me thinking that maybe the state is saving all of it for this weekend.
Back to the chips. These do sound really good. It’s hard to find bacon flavored chips that don’t have just a smokey flavor, but a bacon taste to them. Looks like a trip to Giant is in my future.
I’m also from Upstate NY, but we just moved here from Pensacola, FL. Prior to tjat we lived in Norfolk, VA. In VA they’d shut down EVERYTHING for weeks at a time fir the smallest amount of snow. We went to buy a shovel last night and they were sold out. It seemed like last night’s snow caught everyone off guard. Thank god we only had to drive a couple blocks back to out house!! I’m interested to see how they handle the snow and the days following.
A few years ago, there was the threat of snow here in Central FL. You want to talk unprepared? People are more sane prepping for hurricanes. And the sad thing is most people who live in FL are from somewhere else. Fortunately we have not had snow here since 1989 (knock wood) and we do have a real snow shovel available.
I live in southeast Virginia, and we also don’t handle snow well. Most people here joke about stocking up on beer and wine, but, for me it’s all about the hot cocoa and comfort foods like mac and cheese and soup. I also stock up on DVDs because my kids WILL get stir crazy. Maybe that is where the wine comes in for adults coping….hmmmm. Anyways, occasionally we lose power so having peanut butter and crackers and cereal never hurts. I’ve got a bunch of new cereals on my list to try including s’morz and the new ones from Nature Valley.
Ohhh man do I miss a good snow storm. I am so excited for you and will be watching the weather channel all weekend! I assume you only bought two bottles of wine since you already have a stash at home. I can’t seem to find any other explanation for the low number.
I do not miss snowy winters! Around here a sprinkle of rain causes a fury of accidents; no one is used to it! The first snow is the worst too; for driving and morale. Stay safe everyone!
I think these are Canadian Presidents Choice chips.
I did not get “caught” in the storm recently since I was on Gallaudet University campus and reside on campus. It was little hazardous to walk around especially unsalted pathways.
This will be my 1st time experiencing “snowed in” in DC. It will be interesting for me to compare with NYC. But that photo of accidents showing me that DC people needs to learn to drive again. At least I’ll be in Gallaudet University campus which has wide fields to play snowball fights. EVEN better the new university president invited the campus students to a special event on campus to meet her and socialize. GENIUS! Instead of staying in the campus she wants to develop a “neighborly” sense.
I went to Costo to fill up my car on Wednesday and there were plenty of others who had the same idea! After I got in line, two cars left the pumps at the same time, so the two in front of me went. Then it was my turn… Plenty of folks shopping for stuff in the warehouse and the checkout lines kept moving.
Left workplace in DC shortly after high noon (joining federal workers in the mix) and made it up the interstate without encountering an accident.
Stay safe and warm everyone!
Dear Junk Food guy,
i would like to raise the question of what snacks meet the criteria of your blog? Do you just pick random snacks or controversial snacks?
snackk man