Review: New Cheez-It Classic Cheddar Sandwich Crackers & What Else Can Cheez-It Do?
JFG Nation, today I’m reviewing these new Cheez-It Sandwich Crackers. Over the years Cheez-It has tried different SKUs with varying success – first it trotted out all the various cheese varieties. Then came the oversized BIG Cheez-Its and mini Cheez-Its. Next, the ultra crispy Grooves (love them), the extra powdered Zingz (JFGal approved), the Cheeto-like Crunch’d (flop city). And now Sandwich Crackers. The question remains: what’s next?
Cheez-It isn’t like Oreo, where it can vary it up with other dessert flavors or cremes. It’s also not like Pringles where they can just readily tackle other savory Flavors. Cheez-It ultimately still needs cheese as one of its major flavors. In that sense, Cheez-It could easily reproduce itself in the other familiar and already saturated snack areas – Cheez-It tortilla chips, popped chips, etc. but those will probably go the way of the Crunch’d: disappointing and not better than their nearest more-established competitor.
So where do YOU think Cheez-It should go next? Melba toasts? Larger-matzah shaped crisps? How about Cheez-It cheese bread? Or oven biscuits? Give me your suggestions in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: New Cheez-It Classic Cheddar Sandwich Crackers!!
New Cheez-It Classic Cheddar Sandwich Crackers come in six-packs just like your classic sandwich crackers you grew up with from Lance. Besides the Classic Cheddar, they also come in Italian and Spicy Queso flavor.
New Cheez-It Classic Cheddar Sandwich Crackers are apparently produced with genetic engineering. Huh. So I guess if you eat these, you become a Cheez-It? I mean, my nails would taste waaaay better.
New Cheez-It Classic Cheddar Sandwich Crackers look a LOT like your classic Lance sandwich cracker….just more orange. Well I guess not THAT orange – I forgot that those cheese cracker / PB combo crackers are like neon orange.
New Cheez-It Classic Cheddar Sandwich Crackers individually are super light – those Lance crackers are a bit denser; you can tell these are lighter and flakier. They certainly smelled cheesy.
Eating these cheese from inside of these New Cheez-It Classic Cheddar Sandwich Crackers, there wasn’t anything mind blowing – it was the similar processed cheese that you’d find in any sandwich cracker, including Combos and Ritz cracker sandwiches.
The crackers by themselves reminded me of Cheez-Its but were a bit lighter and flakier than regular Cheez-Its. Similar cheesy taste, but not quite spot-on Cheez-It cracker.
Eaten as a whole, these New Cheez-It Classic Cheddar Sandwich Crackers were just ok – just a solid sandwich cracker that was nothing out of expectation. Flavor wise it was cheesy – nothing that blew me away or anything. It’s not like I thought they “perfectly replicated” Cheez-It flavor or anything, and these weren’t anything especially sharp cheddar-y.
I love Cheez-Its, and these were just ok. Thats it :/
PURCHASED AT: Target, Wheaton, MD
COST: $2.99
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.

Discuss - 22 Comments
Tried those and the italian 4-cheese ones. The italian cheese had much more flavor than the originals.
Cheez it could do like Tostitos and start making their own cracker dips.
Mmmm. Cracker & nacho cheese dips! The current ones are so bland.
Cheez-it cheez fries, like Andy Capp hot fries
They do make a hot sauce Cheez-It. They’re pretty tasty.
Considering that peanut butter on a Cheez-It (especially a Groove) is a highly underrated delicacy, I’m surprised they didn’t attempt to inject that flavor combo into this line. Perhaps next time.
Cheese-Its with fruit. I can’t believe I’m the only one who likes to eat fruit with cheese.
They could go with little sweet dessert route. Cinnamon would be ideal combo. What about “cheesecake” route? They could do a cream cheese flavored.
Maybe “mac and cheese” with fine pasta dust.
I have the queso ones. Basically I’d give the exact same review as you, only difference is a very mild spiciness. Not bad but definitely not worth buying again when those Lance crackers are cheaper and basically the same quality.
I tried the four cheese ones and I thought they were actually really delicious! I agree that the crackers are very flaky and light.
I was very interested in trying the new Cheez IT Classic Cheddar crackers. They are very disappointing. Were any taste tests done before you released these to the public? I doubt it as they have very little taste. Keebler Neon crackers with cheese are superior to the Cheez It product. Sorry I have so many packets of crackers left….
I completely agree. I got really excited when I saw these but they were not very good, certainly not as good as regular lance cracker sandwiches. I won’t be buying these again.
Tried the spicy queso and they had a funky smell in the beginning and the taste no bueno, hoping the original cheese would be different my kids and I were completely dissapointed.
No. Just no. Never again would I buy these… I know we are discussing a snack cracker here but assuming that we are all Cheez it fans I feel I can say…I expected more from them in terms of flavor than a tasteless cheese whiz type of plastic-y filling. My cat loves cheese and wouldn’t even stick his tongue on it. Regarding the peanut butter… yes. I was praying I would see it online…to make me feel better…but in the end they are a cheese product and you know adding a nut is probably not in the marketing plan…stupidly. I sampled the Italian cheese, ate 3 and gave the rest of the package away. Not for me. If they can stay true to a cheez it original flavor I prob would eat ALMOST anything they make…well probably not cereal. But what about pizza or getting with another company and preparing a Cheez it crust for various toppings? I don’t know but anything would be better than these 🙁
I was disappointed with the classic chedder. Too expensive and certainly no wow factor.
When I first heard of these,I was hoping for cheez-it
crackers as large as a slice of bread,sort of a make your own,d.I.y.sandwich!
I kept wanting them to be the Ritz cheese cracker sandwiches and so they were disappointing. Even if I didn’t want them to be something they weren’t, the taste is pretty underwhelming
Smell like feet, but they’re definitely amazing!
Ave, thats disgusting!
Complete trash.
These aren’t very awesome and I noticed after eating some of the Italian cheese variety that they have peanuts in them !!!!
Love these. They were in the store for a while but cannot find them now. Great flavor. Please bring them back. Please!!!